Ben returned to his seat only long enough to grab his notebook and pencil before he followed the rest of the class outside. His heart was still beating loudly in his chest, the thrill of the fight far from faded. BAST’s leader couldn’t hide the satisfaction on his face at Port’s compliment, the swell of pride in his heart. He’d managed to make a good first impression on at least one of his teachers, and Port didn’t seem bothered by the fact that he was, technically, a dropout. Ben was certain he knew. None of them would have been on his initial roster, given that they were only admitted today. That Professor Port didn’t seem to think it worthy of comment… Actually went a long way towards making him feel better about it. He wasn’t going to stop working his hardest, because he knew that inevitably someone would object. Maybe not a teacher, maybe not a classmate, but someone would take exception to their presence. And he needed to be able to prove them wrong. But, not everyone would. And maybe he’d made a good enough showing to prove just why he was there. It wasn’t a fluke, he’d [i]earned[/i] his chance, even if it wasn’t the same way as the rest. He watched the next student take on a Sitting Bull, and rather handily at that. His… Attitude was something of another matter. Even in class, a Grimm wasn’t something to take lightly. It was a dangerous creature, and a threat to every human and Faunus. But this student treated it like a party joke, and finished it off in a very… Brutal way. Brutal and inefficient. There was nothing gained by such a flashy takedown, not when it could have been done so much easier beforehand. But Ben supposed it wasn’t his place to judge; everyone fought a different way, and perhaps that was simply how this student operated. Best not to be judgemental. “... That shirt line was really uncool, wasn’t it?” He asked Trad, though the query wasn’t really directed at him specifically. Honestly, the comment had been the first thing that popped into his head. Adrenaline-powered as he’d been, he hadn’t really thought about it. … It sounded kinda vain, when he thought about it. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sangue without paper or pen. The reason, after a moment’s thought, was pretty clear. “Hey, Sangue. I could make a second copy of any notes we take out here, if that’d help.”