[center] [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/3a/5c/71/3a5c71eafc82a6e2e90830f1a7ed2131.jpg[/img] Prince Yato 21 Cold to everyone, Yato isn't exactly the warmest of fellows. Never the less, females seem to flock to him, wanting to thaw his icy heart. That is, until he finds a very special someone. A very small girl whose warm heart would melt the ice surrounding his own. Yato hasn't had very good parents. His mother is cold and calculating and expects Yato to be the same way. She plans for her son to be the next king. Since Yato is an illegitamate child, it would be very hard for him to gain the throne. But his mother still aspires for him to be king, so that she may live well under his name. His father always treats him with disdain, as if his very existance is unwanted. Because of this, Yato finds it very difficult to be nice to the people in his life. He often finds the people around him to be shallow and money grubbing. [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/28/db/cf/28dbcf04f9909e6c90ad1647461e2d98.jpg[/img] Name: Lux age: newborn personality: pretty clueless but very curious.very kind and has a deep connection to nature. has no real history She's barely as tall as Yato's hand. with long blonde hair that literally goes to the ground and generally pools there. her eyes are an icy blue. she was often wears a black dress on that hardly goes to her knees. her skin is an alabastor color.she weighs roughly 5 pounds. [/center]