*~*~*Morgan Reginald, Eliza Brie, and Alan Woodard*~*~* Stopping just inside the doorway of the station she let her eyes glance around her hands tighening around the loose possessions that she had brought with her before she let her eyes fall on the front desk, moving forward she lifted one of her hands placing her forearm down on the top of it as she leant over slightly trying her best to get the attention of one of the officers before eventually one of them came over to attend to her, "Yeah, hey... My name is Eliza Brie, I recieved a phone call this morning telling me that my boyfriend had been picked up and brought in last night. There's got to be some kind of mistake, he was just going out to pick up some things for our night in..." Awkwardly she shifted everything she was carrying into one hand her other coming up to loosen her scarf around her neck the warmth something she had never been able to get used to especially while inside, "His name is Alan. Look, we're kind of busy today, so I would appreciate if you would hurry up and go get him for me." Morgan had been nearby when she caught sight of Eliza Brie and heard her talk to Officer Wiggins. She was surprised to hear that Miss Brie was the girlfriend to the crazy man she arressted last night. After Officer Wiggins answered "Alright, I'll be right out with him ma'am. Just a second," After Wiggins left, Morgan walked up to Eliza Brie, and she greeted politely, "Good morning, Miss Brie," She wanted to talk to her about her relationship with Alan, but knew that she couldn't just say it (as told by the other officers. She apparently needed to practice using tact in conversation). She asked politely, starting a casual conversation, "How are things at the inn?" Turning her head around as she heard her name being called Eliza furrowed her brows searching until her eyes fell on the figure of the woman she had met the day prior at the lodge, "Detective... Didn't think I would see you so soon after our little meeting at the lodge. Things are busy today, a lot to get done before the festivities. I'm sure that you've already heard about it though, the police department is always welcome at such functions hosted by my family..." Turning to face her completely Eliza let her arm slip from the counter bringing her hands together in front of her as she tilted her head slightly her eyes flicking over the woman's figure, "Sleep at your desk last night..? The bags under your eyes show me you didn't have the best of nights now did you..." The Detective noticed the slight hostility from the subtle insult towards her. She shrugged off the insult and she answered "Paperwork in general will do that to you, it's a fact of life," She then added with a shrug, "It can be especially tiring when a certain someone rambles drunkenly on topics related to Pinocchio, until he falls asleep," "A disney fan, what person in this world isn't." Shrugging slightly Eliza glanced over the womans shoulder her eyes searching for any sign of the officer who had gone to get Alan from where ever it was that they were keeping him, "I understand the pain of paperwork, having to force it onto another to hand in this morning after getting a rude phone call this morning telling me that someone had wrongfully arrested the guy I was waiting for all night." "That is an issue you really should take up with Mr. Woodard himself, not me," Morgan retorted to the rude phone call comment. Morgan held back a derisive snort at the 'wrongfully' part of his arrest. She said to Eliza as she was simply pointing out the facts, "He was caught red-handed, and in an area where the security cameras filmed the entire incident. There is plenty of evidence to back up the prosecution," Raising her eyebrow slightly Eliza smiled sweetly a gentle chuckle escaping through her lips as she listened to what was being said to her, "Detective, I majored in law in my last year and took an introduction course. I'm very much aware of many cases as to which evidence has been tampered with, not to mention completely falsified by departments when trying to build up cases against suspects... I might be blonde, but I'm certainly not as stupid as people tend to stereotype us to be." Morgan shook her head, and she said to her, keeping eye contact with the young, stupidly in love, girl, "I don't think you are stupid at all Miss Brie. In fact, I think you are much smarter than your impression is giving off: Naive and innocent. You and I both know that just an introduction course and a major in law, is not enough to completely understand the subject. Years of experience working under law enforcement is necessary as well. Say about ten years or more, which I have. Plus, here, if anyone falsfied evidence, they wouldn't be here," "I know that what I have completed isn't enough to give me the knowledge that I would have gotten if I completed the path that I had begun to go down. I don't deny that fact, however don't try and press your luck with me." Shifting her weight over to one side Eliza shook her head knowing that no matter what she said the woman in front of her wasn't going to take her seriously, "My career was taking off and with that I made my choice... Had it not, do you seriously think I wouldn't be holed up in my room studying defense law? I'm a very intelligent young girl, I know that. Top of my year level to be precise; so don't think I don't know what you're doing." Taking a deep breath she let it out slowly her eyes remaining fixed upon the detective as she sized her up wondering why she was continuing on with the pleasentries when it was obvious that there was something else that she was wanting to discuss, "Now how about we drop the act detective... We both know that this isn't what you came over here to speak with me about..." Morgan couldn't help but look at Eliza with sad eyes. She could see the intelligence that was there...and she was wasting her time with someone who wasn't worth an intelligent girl's time and attention. She felt sorry for the girl in front of her. When Eliza asked her to be blunt, she sighed and answered, hardening her gaze "Very well then," She then continued seriously, steeling herself and her will for the backlash that was she was sure to come from her advice, "I've seen many situations like yours before, and I wanted to give you some advice. You really should break up with Mr. Woodard. Before somebody gets hurt," Closing her eyes for only a moment Eliza couldn't help the small laugh that escaped through her lips before she lifted her gaze an amused expression written over her face though her eyes showed she wasn't amused by the woman's words, "I'm sorry... Please remind me, when did we become friends..?" Her smile grew slightly as she searched her eyes knowing that there was no answer to the question she had asked, "Because I don't remember giving you any sort of inkling that you had any business in prying into my private life... But I will humor you, just a little. What I do and who I date is none of your concern. And if you try and push me any further I will happily have a little chat with your superior about your behavior..." The detective sighed and said "Fine. I've said what's needed to be said," She added mentally "[i]I'll guess you'll just have to see for yourself,[/i]" She wanted to try and convince her, but knew that the girl wouldn't hear any more of it. There was nothing Morgan could do...and deep down, it frustrated her. She looked to the side as Officer Wiggins came with Alan Woodard. "Nononono, I'm serious, check your shoe, really. I'm a glorified street magician, pulling the quarter out of your ear? That somewhat offends me you think I would stoop down to that level!" Alan put his hand over his heart, his eyebrows raising to his hairline mimicking the look that he had been hurt by the officer's words, however as they rounded the corner, Alan's attention quickly left the officer and let his eyes land on Eliza. Turning to give officer Wiggins a pat on the back as though they had been friends for years, Alan hurried forward, placing himself between the two women and waved to Eliza, the motion not going further than his wrist before he stuffed it back into his pocket along with his other hand. "Hey." Tearing her gaze away from Morgan she let it come to rest on him her eyes widening slightly letting them flick over his features as he stepped between them his hand coming up to give her a small wave, "Wha-... What the hell happened..." Reaching up she gently let her fingers brush over his black eye before she turned her hand slightly her thumb grazing over his eyebrow where she could see the unmistakable sight of dried blood. Snapping her head back towards the detective Eliza narrowed her eyes her voice holding more of an edge to it now that she was no longer trying to conceal her annoyance and frustration, "A little too much force, now I may not have the same amount of know-how, but I [i]do[/i] know that this is not how you're trained to handle anyone. Let me give you a bit of advice detective, just as you have given me... I suggest you stay away from me, and you best stay away from him as well. I may still be a child in your eyes, but I can most defininetly still make your life hell..." Morgan shook her head at Eliza, before she turned and started walking away saying monotonously, with a cold edge, "My apologies, Miss Brie. But that is a promise I cannot keep. Have a good day," Before she had left, she had looked at Alan with a hard gaze that carried a threat of its own if Eliza ever got hurt. Soon the two were left alone, and Morgan was left frustrated and angry at Alan and Eliza's naivety. Unable to help his eyes looking up and practically rolling into the back of his head to 'see' what Eliza was referencing to, the slight movement brought back a twinge of pain that reminded Alan of the condition of his face. Oh yeah. That. Thankfully, he didn't have to do any sort of explaining since Eliza had already fabricated some sort of story in her head that, once again, put him in the clear. Now he just needed to know what they told her about his arrest and he could probably manage to wiggle out of that one too. "So uh," Alan started turning his neck a bit to watch the hot mamma detective leave them be. He could only assume that he was free to go, especially since Officer Wiggins had given his posessions back to him before coming out here. He paused to pull out his phone, remembering that he had it again to see a couple of missed calls from Eliza the previous night. He turned the phone screen towards Eliza so that she could see it before shrugging his shoulders lightly. "I promise I have a good reason I never answered..." He finished with a slightly cheeky smile. Gritting her teeth Eliza shifted her weight from one foot to the other her grip on her things loosening for a moment before she retightened it her eyes focused on the detective as she walked off leaving the two of them standing alone together, "I hope she enjoys the festivities tonight... Because after that I'm going to make sure she doesn't see the inside of the lodge for quite some time..." Catching the light from the screen of his mobile in the corner of her eye she turned her attention over to him her expression relaxing and her head nodding as she tried to catch up with the conversation, "Yeah? You can tell me what happened in the car. I don't think you want to spend much more time here, and I bet you're tired. Either way, now you have no choice; you can make this whole thing up to me tonight by escorting me to the party." "You mean they didn't tell yo- wait, what party?" Alan pocketed his phone after making sure Eliza had seen the screen of missed calls, now wearing a look of confusion on two different thoughts that passed through his mind. If they didn't tell her, then he needed to start thinking up a new story because no matter how he spun what really happened, he'd only make himself look like an ass. And that wasn't exactly something that would help him into Eliza's pants. Turning his head on a slight swivel, looking around them, he figured the best place to talk wasn't exactly where they were standing, so extending an arm in an 'after you' gesture, Alan waited for Eliza to start walking before he followed after her. Nodding as he gestured towards the door she pushed it open slipping out into the fresh air waiting a few moments before she began leading the way through the carpark and over to where she had left her car pressing the button causing it to unlock, "Yes, party. You're going to escort me to Snowfest tonight, no getting out of it, you can make up for ditching me last night to instead find yourself in some cell here in town." "Oh c'mon, you make it sound like I [i]wanted[/i] to spend my night in a cold cement block with a loud-mouth roomate that threw stuff at me instead of a warm, luxurious bed in a hotel room my hot as fuck girlfriend abused her powers to get me for a night. Woah... nice ride..." "Thanks, the car was something I bought after I'd won my third contest, I managed to save enough to get it." Pulling open the door she slid herself into the drivers seat closing it behind her as she began to put her things down getting ready to move on with their day, "So come on, spill it Alan... What happened last night after you left me?" Taking half a moment to admire the car, Alan eventually followed suit and got into the passenger side of the car, shutting the door behind him, immeditaly adjusting the angle of the seat so he could sit back further, buying himself a bit of time to fabricate a story before he got comfortable for the relatively short drive back to the lodge. "I went to go get food and some drinks like any good boyfriend would. I guess I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I saw a sweet looking lambo parked out on the street and was curious to what year it was cuz you don't come across a lambo very often and went to take a closer look cuz it was dark; but before I knew what happened my head was gettin slammed down on the hood and I was cuffed like some kind of criminal. I guess they planted it there, looking for car jackers or something. Kind of like how undercover cops pretend to be highschool kids and pretty much flush out the drug dealers or something I guess. I dunno, I don't know much about what cops do to pass the time. My knowledge of the justice system comes from movies and tv shows." Turning her head she reached back grabbing hold of her seatbelt bringing it down and around before she clicked it into place staying silent as she listened to his explanation about what had happened to him the night previous, "Baiting... It's a tactic that's been used for quite some time though I didn't know that the department here in Tahoe condoned such practices..." Alan merely shrugged, feigning having no idea what she was talking about. Unfortunately, he knew exactly what she was talking about. Sighing softly she closed her eyes her hands coming up to rest on the steering wheel for a few moments before she slipped the key into the ignition starting it up so that the purr of the engine sounded around them her lips playing in a small smile as she flicked her gaze back to him, "Oh, and that room I got last night? I might have booked it for a few days, instead of just the one." Shifting into reverse she turned her upper body her eyes fixated out the back window as she began to reverse out of park changing gears once more though this time into drive before she headed away from the station. "Well there's always tonight." Alan said moving both his hands behind his head and resting back into the reclined seat a bit. "But this time, I vote room service."