"Bring them both Dagon, Srix get them in here." Zalek was subtle as he entered into his private wing, his two bodyguards were in tow the rebels from Chaos fully awake now and they were none too happy screaming and making a huge fuss. Zalek had decided that the interrogation wing was a waste of time, no he captured these two fools and he would be the one to interrogate them, after all he was the one overseer of interrogation anyways. It was one of his soul purposes to get information, a job he was extremely good at given his time as Master of Discipline back on his home planet. As The door closed behind them the men continued to scream profanity at all of them as their attempts to struggle were meant with strong painful grips from Dagon and Srix. "Drop them both, let them go." Zalek was silent as he crossed his arms and watched the two Chaos rebels drop to the ground, they both quickly gained their feet as they backed away from them, just like most cornered animals did. Zalek silently removed his hood as he gave it to Dagon who took it and stood nearby silently with Srix. Zalek moved forward as he approached the two rebels who had no place to go now. "Get back!!" One of the men yelled loudly as they quickly grabbed a near by vase dumping the contents on the floor and brandishing it in their hands as a weapon. Zalek shook his head at the man as he did not appreciate the mess he had just made, even these fools must realize that they were not going to escape. "Srix grab him will you." Srix nodded as he move forward to collect the man however the man screamed at Zalek making him put his hand up stopping Srix. "Yeah that's right have your flunkies subdue us, you Elders are weak can't even do your own dirty work. You gotta get others to get their hands dirty because you think your so much better then us! Your just wannabe figure heads that's why your gonna fall to Chaos!" Zalek was silent as he looked at the man with emotionless eye's, moving his fingers he motioned for Srix to fall back as he lowered his hand and reached down, unzipping his black jacket he silently removed it from his body revealing the emaciated looking ribs beneath, the old body he had assumed when he captured them. Giving the jacket to Dagon he walked forward as he stood in front of the two rebels. Slowing putting his arms out his body began to bubble almost as if was coming to a full boil, his body began to almost instantly change, the hair on his head slowly receded back in as his facial features changed at the same time, closing his eye's his arms and chest started to bulge out with muscle as the emaciated old man slowly transformed into a muscular male who looked about fifty. As the features finished taking place his head sprouted super short dark hair as his chin grew dark hair. His entire body changed before the two rebels who stood in horror and shock, Zalek slowly opened his eye's as they were a deep shade of red, his eye's were now fierce and bone chilling as he glared at the two rebels the old weak looking man now replaced by his true [url=https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRYKp2E2lDPudolnrHs58QCiOhELW7a_59MMPqFmB7zxXqtsXSq]appearance[/url]. "What the hell! He just changed his appearance!" Zalek lowered his arms as the rebels began to freak out from his transformation, however he had heard enough of their words, at a neck break speed his crossed the room in seconds as he grabbed the man with the vase and gripped him by the throat and picked him up then slammed him into the ground with a loud thud. "Holy shit!" The other man screamed in pure fear he tried to turned and hightail it in the opposite direction but Zalek crossed the distance to him in mere seconds as he grabbed him by the back of the neck with a bowl sized hand. Squeezing the man let out a yelp as Zalek picked him up off his feet. Turning his tossed the man like a rag doll watching him smack the ground next to his friend. Zalek lowered his hands as he slowly made his way across the room to Dagon, taking his black jacket he slowly put it back on an zipped it back up as he then turned his attention back to the Rebels. Walking to them he slowly knelt down as they were both in obvious pain. "You know I get real tired of you Chaos lackeys and your words of heroics. You fight this battle against us Elders and you give yourself false hope that one day you will win. You merely show your lack of insight, your lack of intelligence. What will you do now that your powerless? What will you do now in the face of adversity? You will give up because your fake reality is crashing down. I have watched many men like you crumble, they cried and begged for their pathetic lives!" Zalek reached down and picked up both men one in each hand and slammed them into the wall behind them at the same time as they both opened their mouths in pain letting out a weak scream. "You don't care who you have to kill to get what you want... your so busy trying to gain a foothold some sort of elevation above the Elders that your forsake everything else. Would it shock you to know that the men and woman who were with me today escorting me in the slums were slaves dressed in disguise? That the lives you took were the lives of the same men and woman your pathetic rebellion is fighting to free and to protect! Of course you wouldn't because all you truly care about is trying to find some kind of freedom in a world that no longer belongs to you! You humans had your chance, and what did you do? You forsaken yourselves and nearly destroyed the entire world with your stupidity. You fight for a freedom you don't deserve, you get angry because we control you like children yet when you had freedom... you killed each other, raped each other, destroyed each other on nothing more then difference in belief." Zalek brought his face close to the two rebels as he tightened his grip on their necks forcing them to open their eye's and look into his own chilling glare. "I watched this world crumble for years, staying in the shadows, watching you destroy your own brothers and sisters. You humans are nothing more then animals who will turn on each other the moment when it suits your purpose. Thats why the Gods decided to enslave you and give us the power to rule over you. Thats why you will never win... thats why you will always be slaves... because you don't deserve anything more!" Zalek turned and threw both of them men to the floor as they slid little ways, both of them started to slowly cry from fear or pain Zalek did not care. "Take them to my private chamber, I will be along shortly to interrogate them." Both Srix and Dagon put their fist to their chest and nodded as they quickly collected the two men and disappeared into the next room. "Hael come here please." Zalek called for his servant as he silently waited for her to arrive.