Strogobor hastened his pace a little after spotting Rhian. He honestly did not expect her out in the streets this early. Usually, all kinds of people would swarm her at the crack of dawn to cure their aches and mend their wounds. Did Meidiba finally have a quiet night? Unlikely, he was up and about for the last three nights and two days trying to figure out which establishment served the least water in their drinks. When he stopped before her, the priestess greeted the mercenary, with a soft jab at his behaviour. He responded in kind, trying to pay no attention to Zek. "Hail to you, Rhian. I'm glad I left a lasting impression since you remember my work better than I." Strogobor masked his disappointment with a facade of bravado, he genuinely hoped Rhian forgot about the incident. Though, he had to admit it was an impressive incident on all accounts. "But enough about me. You are a warm ray of sunshine in this dark city." The priestess shifted her stance into a pose that spelled out 'get on with it' to the mercenary, but he was certain she wasn't entirely displeased by the comparison. Zek, on the other hand, gripped his mace, making the leather upon which it rested audibly strain. Strogobor didn't like Zek much. Even as a mercenary, he seemed too much of a moralist and rigid for that line of work. And morals don't put bread on the table. Sure, refusing a job for the sake of your own mental and spiritual health is understandable, but Zek had an air about him that made him seem like a person that would turn on his employer if his sensibilities were endangered. Strogobor assumed that was why he was left half-dead and silenced forever. Not that he was more talkative before they ripped out his tongue. But, what annoyed Strogobor the most about Zek had very little to do with his moral compass. In a way, the mercenary could respect his idiocy worthy of a paladin and Zek probably counted as one now. What rubbed Strogobor the wrong way was how Zek treated Rhian. He idolised her earnestly, though that was typical of men who were nursed back to health by women. Sure, it was only natural. But Zek saw a saint in what Strogobor saw a woman. The self-righteous oaf would only dare to pine for the priestess from afar, as if this world were a chivalric romance, while keeping all others away. It is not like priesthood means celibacy, right? The towering man would have counted his teeth long ago if it didn't bear the risk of making him look even worse in Rhian's eyes...figuratively speaking. With that passing thought, he began to word his request to Rhian. "Now, I was actually on my way to you. I know this might sound strange, but do you have experience with healing things other than humans?" Strogobor noticed that she wasn't quite grasping where he was going with this. As far as she knew, he might've kidnapped a dark elf and caused it grievous bodily harm. 'Great', he thought. "It's Wojda. My mare. She's not that well and I don't know any apothecaries knowledgeable in animal matters that aren't dead. So..." He paused, awaiting her decision.