[quote=Batman] [quote=Matrix] [quote=@xXFazeXx] [quote=@zombieaccount] Ay misspwased mi pwenceal nywun caan hwelp mee? Is et en mi dwisk cwownter o awn te stwovv? Engwlish is amwazeeing wanguage wiff worrds aynd pheoneetiks yees? Caamn yu know what I say frum luk at textt o mi pwenceel nevar b fowwnd? [/quote] [quote=@Holmishire] Your pencil is on the stove, you should retrieve it before it becomes a fire hazard. If you are under the age of thirteen, I would highly advise you to seek out a speech therapist—it isn't too late. Otherwise, you're pretty much out of luck. [/quote] [quote=@Larfleeze] [img]http://i.4cdn.org/co/1425227858141.jpg[/img] you stop that [/quote] [quote=@Holmishire] Is it I who is the target of your derision? If so, I would like you to kindly tell precisely what it is that you would like me to "stop". [/quote] [quote=@Larfleeze] It was originally to OP but if you wanna be that way then fine. [i]fite me outside[/i] [/quote] [quote=@Holmishire] Oh, I see. My assumption was based entirely off the timeliness of your response, I assure you. I admit, I am not prone to fighting. However, if you would like to beat me up for your own sake, I shall await you outside, as per your request. [/quote] [quote=@Larfleeze] i dont fite nerds who are into gettin pummeled for lunch money [/quote] [quote=@Doivid] you really couldn't think of a more convincing word to use than phonetics? [/quote] [quote=@Holmishire] Back when I used to be lacking in companionship, I used to goad other kids into beating me up. They then became my best friends. [quote=@Smink] Ye cen telk leke yee went, men. Cheers. [/quote] [/quote] [quote=@Smink] [img]http://cdn29.elitedaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/doge.jpg[/img] Mech trell, vere spemmer. [/quote] [/quote] [/quote] [/quote]