At long last, the bell tolled once more. The students, lost in their technology, disputes, education, and combat, had allowed a full hour to slip by. Some left their respective classes sporting bruises and scratches gleaned from their vicious duels against Professor Port's captured Creatures of Grimm; others bore wounds far less obvious and far more impactful. The enemies and alliances made in the year's first Armory class would endure for some time, but exactly how much time those scars would fester was up to the individual. Would they on both sides of the flaring confrontation allow grudge, resentment, prejudice to dictate their further interaction throughout the year? Or would they forgive, and instead focus on the lighter, more companionable side of intimacy? Abel, for one, greeted the bell with a groan. Lost in the battles raging both inside the Grimm Studies classroom and out on the terrace, he had forgotten all notion of time. The liveliness of the class made the whole thing seem like less of a forced learning regimen and more like a party, though the guardian had never allowed himself to become too hyped, lest he also forget why he was here. As he walked from the room, heading to 5th period and the esoteric outdoor classroom of Professor Vorosky's Survival class, he dredged up details from each of the fights that had taken place. First had been the wendigo cub, whose intelligence and cunning had melted into pure rage and given Ben an ultimately easy victory. There was surely something to be learned from that, and not just about Grimm. Next was Aurellius's near-psychotic, ultra-manly beatdown against the Sitting Bull. Following that was Jack's skirmish against the Broodling, and despite the spider-like Grimm's best attempt to slow him down with acid and webbing, it had been utterly flummoxed by the dagger-wielder's uncanny speed. After that, Abel himself had been selected, and found himself pitted against a vicious Harpy. That particular battle had lasted only seconds. A lightning bolt from the Ampere practically reduced the thing to cinders, which was neither entertaining nor educational for anyone, and Abel regretted not being a better sport. Finally, a reluctant Diamond had been called upon to destroy an Itzamna, and after a little initial trouble, managed to gain a height advantage and form what looked like her shadow into a bludgeon. After that, she had actually knocked it out with a tap to the base of the skull, instead of killing it. Despite Diamond's act of passivity, Abel found himself noting want to get on the girl's bad side, and was sure that if she had a fair rematch with Mokuren, that she would be the victor. His thoughts shifted to Survival class as he walked. It had been an obvious pick for him, but what exactly did it entail, he wondered.