Jack smiled and leaned in too the conversation with the governor. "Aye governor, we're the company. My men, and I, have been ordered to act towards benefiting the colony in any way we can. Right now it seems policing and monitoring borders is how we are best suited, and so thats what my men are doing." Walking over he made it so that to governor no longer had to shout or contort his body to hear. "Governor right now the company is doing just fine, however I am sure there are plans to expand and I have a number of requests to make. Firstly I wish to be present in any, and all, planning in what directions the colony should take. As well as that I wish to have your permission to make a request for more men to be sent from the company. The homeland will soon be requesting a profit of sorts and that means expansion. Expansion means more settlers and more ground to cover. I will need the men to keep the people safe. I don't want to go over your head with this which is why I am putting the request to you first."