Kovu stared at Beast as he walked by him and into his new room, pushing the door closed behind him. He stared around at his the room...it was different than he thought it would be. It was actually nice, there were paintings on the wall, the drapes look good and an elegant rug on the floor. [i]It must be this Adam guy[/i] Kovu thought staring at the rug, [i]he probably comes from a rich family[/i]. Kovu saw that one bed was already taken and placed his bag on the other bed and dropped his backpack on the floor beside it. "I guess Adam must already be here," Kovu pondered quietly to himself wishing that he had stayed to say hello. "Let me in", Kovu heard from the other side of the door, it sounded like that beastly guy who was outside. Kovu was annoyed, he walked over to the door and yelled back, "Just go away, leave us alone and go back to your own room. Stop bothering Adam and most importantly stop bothering me...he's not here anyway so go find someone else to bully." Kovu stomped back to his bed and sat down on the edge.