Victoria glared at Higgins upon his not so ceremonious entrance. She had told him very clearly to clean up [i]before[/i] entering the dinning area. He had been on her crew long enough to know better, and to know the very look she was giving him meant that [i]after[/i] dinner she'd have a chat with him. "Sink, soap." She pointed to them, without adding anything else. Todd Wright smiled at Shen, though one could argue it didn't look like the most eased smile. "It's quite interesting." Was the man's response. "Everyone this is Rebecca. She's on her way to Lilac" Victoria went round the room introducing everyone else that had joined as a passenger, and all the crew to each other. Out of those she had picked up on New Melbourne she was happiest about Rebecca, seemed to be the only one out of the bunch that wasn't totally crazy. Though that wasn't saying much since her opinion of all alliance was that they were crazy. "Have a seat. We've just started dinner."