A bright smile shone on Percy's face as the news that he likes cats. He said," good, don't been too surprised if you come in and there is a ginger cat laying on my bed. Or talking to you, it's just me." He looked at his singular bag, considered himself done with all that he needed to do then looked back at Rylan. He then said," well, I'm going to walk around, see you in a little bit." He felt a familiar tingling feeling, that traveled down his spine then out to his extremities as his body changed from that of a human to that of a cat. And with that, his clothes seemingly having disappeared, left the room, stretching out, a small hiss escaping him as the voice came on the intercom. His ear twisted to listen, before he turned around to check that his name was still on the door. Satisfied that it was normal and just as it was, he began to walk down the hall, his little nose busy picking up all the new smells, ears twitching this and that way at the sound of people conversing, most likely with their roommate. He paused at a point, catching the scent of something... Rather odd. A mixture of human and cat. The smell itself was simply confusing, so he told himself he would investigate it, after he wandered this hall some more, the tip of his long tail twitching this way and that.