R.U. CS: Name: Jack Hunter Age: 27 Appearance (You are not limited by what race you are): [img=http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/022/3/e/_comm__slave_to_rave___by_roy_swordsman-d37sw4e.png] preferred Music: Dubstep, Techno, Hardstyle, Drum and Bass. Weapon: Double ended Pole-arm [img=http://www.darkknightarmoury.com/images/Product/large/UC3043.png] Marksman rifle [img=http://www.technoni.com/images/resistance_2_marksman_rifle_fan-build_1-540x403.jpg] Power: Rapid Regeneration, Camouflage. Personality: Jack is a bundle of joy, he loves everyone who is part of his team and when he dances he looks like he is floating around on air. When in battle he turns a little more serious and formulates ten different strategies at once. When one of his team mates falls in battle he gains rage and goes into a crazy frenzy History: Jack was born into the R.U. he made friends with everyone there and loves the bass of the music he listens to. Jack grew up learning how to become the leader of this rebel faction and gained it via the previous leader because of his untimely death. Jack now leads the R.U. with a deep passion, he does everything he can to restore music to the galaxy.