[center]39[/center] --- Now that everyone had come down, Evelynn started the relaively short walk back to the dining hall. It wasn't a bother really that Jade Fist had come so late, but it was just her being an impatient prick...like she usually was. "Damien?" she called out, an eerie smile upon her face. "I have impeccable manners. Tsk tsk, boy, you shouldn't go around calling people 'vampire witch'... they may want to eat you for being so rude!" She bared her top teeth a little bit, not in an animalistic way but just enough to show him her pointed fangs that were tinged with the smallest amount of red from the blood she was drinking. "And Aegar, you are a dirty mind. Not that I'm objecting to that, of course." Evelynn winked at him and continued drinking her meal, holding it up for all of them to see. "This here is fine elf blood, from one that is probably relatively young. Every so often new volunteers come along, and they're usually humans who are seeking some type of thrill on Tenebra. And then, there are the curious elves that somehow end up giving a bit of their beautiful blood." She swirled the drink around her glass and paused for a bit. "It's very fragrant if you ask me. But it doesn't produce the same amount of endorphins as, say, demon blood. Demon blood is always the strongest, and many vampires like to get drunk off of it." "Elves actually volunteer for blood donations? They rarely migrate over to Tenebra... it's too dark and baren here..." Summer said, surprising herself for speaking up. "Some volunteer." Jade called out, "Others [i]get[/i] volunteered." "Like...as in a Punishment?" "Not quite." Evelynn turned around then, a completely disgusted look on her face. "I don't ever drink blood that has been taken by force. I'm a vampire, not a monster," she said coldly, then taking another sip from the glass. "And Summer, there are a few curious elves that come around. When they find out that the University holds a vampire, some of them volunteer to... provide a meal. For those of you that don't know, a vampire bite can be pleasurable to a degree. After all, the neck area is very sensitive, and the bloodloss can make a person feel a bit light-headed and up in the clouds." Jade merely shook his head. He couldn't decide, between himself and Evelynn, who was more disgusted towards the other one. The whole conversation had taken the time to get from the towers to the dining hall, and by the time they got there the hall was already buzzing with the excitement of the other students. Six long, retangular tables were set in an organized fashion around the hall, with a lengthy table at the front of the room. Amalia sat there with the rest of the staff, and there was even a spot on her right that was presumably saved for Evelynn. "Ohhh, look there," the vampire pointed, "little nymph girl has already found your special table. I suggest you all run along now and join her!" With that, Evelynn left the group of Sages and went to her own seat at the front of the hall. Calixta was indeed seated at a circular table in the middle of the six tables, and she looked oddly out of place in a sea full of demons. Men oggled at her, women gossiped about her and the other entering Sages, but she kept her gaze forward and only looked back when she saw her approaching companions out of her peripheral vision.