Voltrex wiped off the blood from his face in disgust as he grumbled to himself. The new recruits that he was supposed to be training were as stubborn as the last recruits they had. He had taken the recruits after their training to a simple raiding mission of a supply truck going to the North End. One recruit decided to take it upon himself as the leader of the mission, but that ended in everyone being killed by the guards of the truck. Voltrex himself barely got out of there alive. He stopped off by his quarters and took a quick shower and changed before heading to Varin's office to report the incident. "Voltrex, how did the mission go?" asked Varin's informant who leaned against the wall sipping a unknown liquid from a mug that looked to have existed long ago. "It could have gone better." Voltrex shrugged his shoulders, rolling his eyes as well. He didn't want to mention that the recruits had died on the mission. It goes on his record and he'd rather keep that between himself and Varin. "Did anyone die?" the informant asked. "Yes." "How many?" "Classified." Voltrex turned away, ending the conversation as he continued his way to the large double doors of Varins office. He knocked on the office, checking to see if the informant had followed, but the said person was no where to be seen.