Higgins gave a goofy smile at Victoria and raised his hands- revealing perfectly clean, washed (though still slightly dirty because of ingrained grease and such, that'll probably never go out with anything short of an hour of scrubbing), and said, "Nah, not hungry today. Just lookin' at our fellow bunk-mates for the next few weeks. You all welcome to the ship- just don't do nothin' with the engine room. It's a mite messy in there and I don't want none you accidentalleh getting shocked or nothin'." He gestures vaguely at his head. He flashes a victorious smile at Victoria, an ironic thought in his mind, and left the room before there could be a response. To his credit, though, he did give a slight, if very unfamiliar and kindly-meant, bow on his way out, in recognition to the core-worlders.