“Goodness you’re a rather large fellow aren’t you! Chimera I suppose, maybe a touch of Old Earth primate in there somewhere?” Javelin said curiously as Riblou towered over her by easily two feet. She had to crane her neck at an uncomfortable angle to even look him in the eye. “ Anyways, I’m the AI construct Much Ado-oh hold on this is ridiculous,” Javelin said. Her neck abruptly reverted to the chrome colour of nanomass, and extended until her head was eye-level with Riblou. “Much better. My apologies, allow me to begin again; I am Lt. Commander (retired) Much Ado About Nothing currently operating the Javelin mk-1 experimental nanomass mobile platform. My that’s rather a mouthful isn’t it; perhaps just call me Javelin. Now, I’ve been assigned to the ship and instructed to report to Captain Rayland Sul’tari, but first, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr….?”