[b]Info[/b] Welcome to [b]Avatar: Mists of time[/b]. This is a mainly independent story, set sometime after [b]The legend of Korra[/b]. The plot is flexible and new ideas are more than welcome; The relationship to the original series is to be treated as guidelines and can be strayed from if it benefits our story; All RPG rules apply; Solid paragraphs are expected; Your character may be related to original characters; Locations from previous series may be used as your character's origin; Use a picture to indicate your character's appearance; The Avatar will be decided IC or upon voting. [b]Synopsis[/b] The United Republic of Nations, scarred by its constant inner political turmoil generated by several inexplicable generations without an Avatar, had brought itself on the verge of destruction once again. With corruption and crookedness spurring everywhere, the people of the Republic are becoming increasingly impatient with bending and non-bending politicians alike. The law is dwindling in front of aggressive rebellions that rise stronger and stronger every time. Secret organizations, operating in the dark, are spreading propaganda creating more imbalance than ever. In all of this ruckus, there is one particular figure that stands out the most: Kaito, an ambitious earth-bender who claims to have discovered the secret to conquering all elements and to be able to teach it to anyone willing to learn through the means of advanced technology. Kaito, teamed up with former child prodigy, Jirou (now an infamous scientist) has been running experiments on benders, analysing the course and levels of energy through the body when bending and attempting to mimic them artificially. The results, though successful, cause extreme mental-physical disparity in subjects usually leading to them alienating or exhausting themselves to the point of no return. This artificial bending of the elements is achieved through special equipment in the shape of a headpiece meant to supercharge the human brain. Needless to say, it is unstable and cannot replicate the Avatar state by any means, which is the ultimate purpose for both Kaito and Jirou in an age where the Avatar gene seems to have gone extinct. Kaito and Jirou, although branding themselves as apolitical are quite obviously the one real power in Republic City, now a ruin of its former self, but while their intentions are held in high regards by most people, the Order of the White Lotus is nothing but sceptical. Moreover, they feel more pressured than ever to find the Avatar before the Republic finds a way to annihilate itself. [b]Characters[/b] Benders (artificial or natural) Frejya (waterbender) Sepa (airbender) Selene Slakmung (swampbender) Alessandra Cesarino (earthbender) Goivi (earthbender) Non-benders (civilians, politicians, warriors, etc.) The Order of the White Lotus (currently NPC, but applications for positions within the Order are welcome) Tulunak Auroheck (waterbender) --- My character(s) [URL=http://s860.photobucket.com/user/Biohazard22/media/Persephone_2009-02_zpsc9995e0a.jpg.html][IMG]http://i860.photobucket.com/albums/ab167/Biohazard22/Persephone_2009-02_zpsc9995e0a.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Name[/b] Frejya Yukimura [b]Age[/b] 25 years old [b]Location[/b] Republic City [b]Type[/b] She is a natural waterbender, but is unaware of it, so she starts out by using Kaito and Jirou's invention. [b]Element[/b] Water [b]Occupation[/b] Medical student [b]Personality[/b] Frejya is a temperamental individual, although under regular circumstances she appears calm and composed. She is witty and talkative and has plenty of silly moments to her name that make her funny to remember. She may come across as arrogant and condescending sometimes, particularly when she feels like she is more knowledgeable than her peers, but can be persuaded to submit in front of superior wisdom. She is renowned for taking gut decisions that always hit the mark, although that doesn't always hold true, as exemplified by her scar which has left her partially blind, an incident that threatened to endanger her position as a medical student. Being the relentless creature she is, she saw a solution in the invention held in contempt by natural benders and decided to go for it. After years of practice and regular use of the device she developed a decent understanding of blood-bending that although useless in combat, proved to be her key to continuing her studies. [b]Additional Information[/b] N/A