[quote=@Shiro] ... I think I need to catch up. Cannibals? On an unrelated note, I was wondering. Should I continue playing as Japan? I feel like Aaron has plans involving it, and I wouldn't want to mess up any storylines by coming in as Imperialist Japan, probably destabilizing Asia. If so, I wouldn't mind taking something else. I didn't really know how interweaved everything in Asia was when I joined. [/quote] You've got a few options here, imo: -Stick with Japan and see where you can go with it. As Japan, you're practically one of two (I'm sure Aaron would argue otherwise) powers of East Asia and the only none-Chinese influenced nation east of Kazakhstan. Japan still has a bit of an empire going too, which could lead to some interesting story arcs in the Japanese East Indies concerning rebels, experimentation on natives or even coming into conflict with the British/Australians. -Go with an African country. Africa, as it stands right now, is a pretty canon-empty continent south of the Ethiopian Empire. The power down there goes to South Africa, which are probably the third African "power", if you could call them that. As far as I'm aware (if we're still going with Tempest canon), Mozambique/Tanganyika and Zambia are pretty heavily influenced by Ethiopia while Botswana and Angola are more leaning towards South Africa. Feokris is rebuilding his British Empire, which could lead to some interesting conflicts in that part of the world and this Spanish/Ethiopian conflict could use some commentary from the southern African states. -Go with an North/South American country. The America's were fairly barren from Mihn leaving during MCF up until now, where we now have three players there. South America is known for being a bit of Bermuda Triangle when it comes to players, with people picking up countries and leaving after one or no posts. The only consistent South America player is Mihndar and I'm sure he gets bored down there all by himself. Central America and the Caribbean are brimming with potential. Since France and Britain still maintain a presence in the Caribbean, you're looking at colonial tensions brewing in Jamaica, the Bahama's and the Antilles. Central America has never been touched in this RP, as far as I am aware and anything happening there will be watched closely by Revan and Byrd. North America, you have one choice - Canada. I'm pretty sure Canadas player hasn't been seen in years but his canon on a warlike Canada still stands. Canada invaded Greenland and Alaska, had an oil baron revolution, fought through several wars with its neighbours and is now in the wake of having a large chunk of it's western provinces and former NWC annexed by America. I don't know what you could do with Canada or if any of Arnie's old stuff is even considered canon but the option is there. -Go with a European country. Your final choice is to go with a European/Near East country. Europe is and always has been the continent most populated by players and we've seen various iterations of every single country imaginable in Europe. I think at the moment, not including Evan and I, there are 7 players in Europe and things are looking to kick off in various fronts - Germany is looking at Poland and beyond with hungry eyes (if Hugs would post), Serbia is looking to annex the Balkans and create a Yugoslav state all while the remnants of Turkey are looking to retake Independent Istanbul and go to war with it's former colonies. Europe is a bit tense at the moment and it'll only take a random border conflict to kick off. Also, France is the only current world power that has never had a long-time player, so there's that. [url=http://i.imgur.com/AH1rXqg.png]Take a look through the map[/url], have a think about what you'd want to do with Japan and then make a decision on what to do - keep going as Japan or look elsewhere in the world. PoW is fairly flexible if you're willing to play by the rules and seeing as you have only posted once in a country with previous canon, I think we can let you off if you decide to choose another country.