Penelope glanced over at William as the older knight made a sour comment about the thief. She gave a barely noticeable nod of agreement, keen on following his lead when it came to dealing with the thief. And she was beginning to understand why William behaved so coldly. The female knight narrowed her eyes on Crow as he suddenly voiced his own displeasure with the situation before quickly turning to leave. It made her tense up for a moment but the prison guard put a halt to the thief’s antics. As the king advised William against killing the thief, her eyebrow raised slightly in faint amusement. She supposed that was a fair warning to give the older knight. As reliable and capable as he was, she knew that both his pride and temper could outweigh everything else. Not to mention Crow’s history already spoke volumes. She trusted that the king’s warning would keep William’s fiery temper at bay though. Following her king’s lead in ignoring the thief’s protest, the knight took in every word with a serious demeanor. This mission meant a lot to the knight personally and she was eager to see it through. ”We'll take our leave right away then." Penelope said with a small dip of her head before turning on her heels. She took the lead in heading towards the exit of the throne room as the others fell in behind her. William, being hostile, shoved Crow in front of him. The sound of motion behind her cause Penelope to cast a quick glance over her shoulder, noting the distrustful look in William’s eyes. He clearly didn't want to leave the thief in the back for any possible chance of escape. He wanted him where he could keep a close eye on him. Trusting her comrade, she turned her focus back ahead. Once out of the room, Penelope’s shoulders relaxed slightly now that she was no longer in the face of royalty. As a knight, she was well versed in how to go about speaking with king or any of the royal family. Now that they were beyond his gaze, her tongue grew a bit loser. Still a bit curious about the thief that would be a large part in their mission, she casted a narrowed eyed glance at him. ”You should consider yourself lucky to even see daylight again. Be more considerate of the chance you have been given." she said with a stern gaze. He’s reluctance to cooperate wasn’t appreciated by the knight that had so much to lose if they didn’t follow through with their mission. “Pfft. Lucky is an understatement." grumbled William before the thief had the chance to respond. "The King is a man whom I respect greatly but I have to question his common sense because of this. Sending some worthless thief to do the same work one of us could do and with much less trouble!” The knight shrugged her shoulders at the older knight’s complaints. "Leave the petty jobs to petty people, Pewter." Penelope responded in a very level headed manner. "It would be degrading to give a knight such a dishonorable task.” She saw no sense in getting worked up about a task that was meant for a criminal rather than a knight. Though she did believe her fellow knights were capable, she wasn’t dull enough to completely dismiss the experience the thief had. It was best for the criminal to act like one in this case. Looking out of one of the castle windows they passed by, Penelope located the supplies and horses that stood there, waiting their arrival. Two horses and a horse drawn-wagon that carried the majority of their supplies. From what she saw it seemed that they were well prepared for this trip. She picked up her pace slightly, eager for their journey to begin.