[quote=@Wilted Rose] Not to mention, Japan can have very interesting arcs about Tradition vs Modernity, similar to what I assume China is doing. Not to mention, Japan has what it wanted currently. A large empire from which it can extract resources to fuel its(once) rapidly growing industrial might. The East Indies were, and probably still are, the most valuable land in Asia except for India. Essentially, Japan has so much potential I'd stay if I were you. [/quote] Well, Chinese Communism is a weird thing in retrospect. As opposed to Maoism who like to preach the Four Olds and shit, Houist China just hasn't really touched it. Hou hasn't ordered armies of energetic youths to burn down all the shrines and destroy everything that might threaten the Revolutionary Regime. In a manner, it re-incorporates it as a defense. A point in Chinese law here is to identify and "preserve" traditional elements as part of the multi-colored fabric of the Revolution. This of course has lead to a lot of contention between Christians and Muslims, of which I'm dealing with the major figurehead of the later in Chinese politics. As for Japan, I imagine an issue that might effect them is the demands of their non-Japanese citizens for autonomy or independence in the Empire. The Japanese as I've come to read have historically in some way be pretty racist towards non-Japanese citizens. So though their colonies exist for the make benefit of Japan, they're probably pretty rocky places to be. Of course, they're as-of-yet to be really explored in the same way I'm exploring Xinjiang.