[center][b][u]Mishi[/u][/b][/center] The clanging pan, thin strings of light bursting through the cracks of her curtains, all of it was steadily waking Mishi up from the comfort of her bed. At first she took her pillows and covered her ears with them but even that didn't stop the pounding in her head. Eventually she pushed away the comfort of her blankets and streched out across the entire length of her bed. Mishi rolled her legs of the side of the bed and slipped on her comfortable pikachu slippers as she wrapped herself in the warmth of her red, fleece robe. Mishi then proceeded to shuffle down to her door and open it as quietly as possible. The slow trek out of her room was all that was needed to wake Mishi up in order for her to at least be able of coherent speech. "Why must you bang the pans together Shuu?" said Mishi as she pulled a chair out to sit down in. A barely audible sigh slipped out of Mishi as she rubbed her eyes. With the tired out of eyes, Mishi finally realized that Sume-san had brought them food. Though, where he got it was probably best kept secret. "Shuu, you better of had a good reason to wake us up. If not, I swear to my garden that I will kill you with a potato when they've grown." Mishi stated as she glared at Shuu.