[h3]Peter[/h3] Peter smiles and looks over at Hatter underneath his long hair. He runs a hand through his dark hair and listens closely to what he plays. It sounds gorgeous and he seems to recognize it from somewhere, but he can't put his finger on it. He takes a deep breath and leans back on the bed with a sigh. He looks over at Hatter and sucks in his cheeks, trying to think of something to say. Finally, he's glad when the intercom comes on again. [h3]Godmother Fey[/h3] Her eyebrows come together in worry as the students begin to fall silent and not mingle as much. She sighs and looks at the clock. It's fairly close to dinner time now. She press her fingertips to the under side of her throat and says, "Everyone, please proceed to the cafeteria. It is time for dinner." She tries to say it with as much cheerfulness as she possibly can, but she is getting worried as she looks at Belle through the security cams. This girl was going to be interesting. She smiles as she kicks the book that she gave to her under the bed. Well, dinnertime. [h3]Belle[/h3] She looks up to the intercom as it goes on. She looks at Gretel after the message is delivered and off and says, "Well, I guess we should head to the cafeteria?" She says it as more of a question than a sentence, but she proceeds to pick up her book and walks out of her room. She heads down the hallway, following the signs that say "Cafeteria". She heads down the hallway and takes a seat in the cafeteria, immediately taking a seat and flipping open her book and beginning to read once more.