[B] Sepa[/B] [URL=http://s860.photobucket.com/user/Biohazard22/media/Monge_zps37b92c0f.jpg.html][IMG]http://i860.photobucket.com/albums/ab167/Biohazard22/Monge_zps37b92c0f.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Name [/b] Sepa [b]Age [/b] 20 [b]Location [/b] Patola Mountain Range, Southern Air Temple [b]Type [/b] Bender [b]Element [/b] Air [b]Occupation [/b] Monk/ Spirit cleanser [b]Personality [/b] Sepa is a sanguine person most of the time. His calm, spirited composure is a result of a life mostly spent at the temple with the Air Acolytes and his mother - A descendant of Ikki, granddaughter of Avatar Aang. He resembles other airbenders in his compassion for all lifeforms, but, when pushed or faced with injustice, his peaceful attitude will change into a tornado, using his airbending to conquer any wrongdoer. Sepa is a loyal friend who, if faced with too much boredom, can turn to silly stunts such as Avatar Aang's favorite invention: The air-scooter. The few moments Sepa has been outside the temple has resulted in him instantaneously missing his temple and the spirited ways of his people, seeing as the world has turned to technology and turned their backs to the spirit world.. His one dream is to visit the famous Jasmine Dragon tea shop, founded by the famous White Lotus member Iroh. [b]Additional Information [/b] Sepa believes that the Avatar has continued its circle after Avatar Korra, but that it has been lost in the advances of technology.