[b]Julia[/b] "Of all the things it could be, it had to be smoke monsters. Oh good, there's some solid ones." Julia bantered to nobody in particular as she entered the main room, drawing the twin pistols strapped under the waist of her dress. "Honestly, I just got this drycleaned. I hope on of you boys is willing to front the bill." She wasted no more time, switching directly into combat mode. She let loose several shots into the first dirt demon she saw, aiming unerringly for the head. Over a decade of training took over as she grabbed a knife from a nearby buffet table and threw it, lodging it directly in the neck of one of the smoke monsters, and watched it pass straight through. "Dammit," She muttered, still firing on the demons, "That's a hassle, these things don't seem to have vital points."