[hider=Graguth] Name - Graguth Appearance - [img]http://i.imgur.com/inSisCP.jpg[/img] (On top of a mountain peak) Skills - a master of close combat. Quick, smart, and reasonably strong, he is a force to be reckoned with on any battlefield. Though sometimes a dragon with good enough magic can put him down. Magical abilities(If needed) - besides knowing basic healing, Graguth has never learn magic. As an after effect of fighting his corrupted father, his fire is purple. While it burns a little hotter than normal dragon fire, it also produces toxic fumes that seem to slowly eat away at living materials. Has no effect on Graguth. Backstory - Graguth is the grandson of Rylarth. Born to his son Bigray, and an unknown mother. He was raised by the Elder Council along with his brother, Drumagth. While his brother study the ways of the mind, Graguth learned the ways of the warrior. Study tactics, and simple tricks to win a fight. This was before Rylarth's ascension, so him and his brother were both taught by the elder dragon. Though he and his brother were practically royalty, they went through the same treatment as any to learn properly. By the time the brothers had become juveniles, the corruption of the past had begun to slowly revile itself. Small groups of undead suddenly attacking, whole kingdoms falling into madness, and Graguth's father eventually falling to the corruption. The brothers had begged their grandfather to let them join the war, but they were told that they were to young. That this type of war is not meant for those so innocent. The two were ordered to stay while Rylarth lead his forces after the corruption. The two managed to escape from the Sundered Peaks, fallow the army undetected. They had marched north, to the frozen wastes. The army had fought the cold more then the undead. Upon reaching the source of the corruption, they discovered the son of Slonith had built a fortress of ice and death. Oh the walls of the fortress stood the long dead king, Gigeth Next to him, Bigray stood proudly. Mocking his father. The battle that took place was far worse than the shadow lands campaign. The brothers manged to sneak past the undead army that had greeted Rylarth, and get into the fortress unnoticed. They attack Gigeth and their father, only to be slapped around like the children they are. During the fight Bigray managed to hold Graguth down, and begun to breath fire into his jaws. Drumagth had managed to free him by distracting him with lightning. Rylarth eventually came to their rescue, but not before Gigeth corrupted Drumagth. Rylarth wrestled with his son while Graguth attacked the dead king. The battle was wild, Gigeth moved with amazing speed. Never seeming to tire. Though he got cocky, and Graguth set him aflame. Defeated, Bigray grabbed his now corrupted son and ran. The battle was won, but Rylarth was gravely injured. He passed away a month later, unable to recover. Graguth spent the rest of his youth years honing his his skills. As an order by the Elder Council dragons under their command must know some form of first ad, giving him his only experience with magic. By the time he was an adult he had become revered for his combat skill. Though he was offered a position in the honor guard, but refuses to help the general people. Holdings (If needed. First come first serve)- none Current location- between Moditoft and the Watchlight forest. Allegiance- independent, tries to be friendly with most beings Other- in honor of Rylarth [/hider] [hider= Drumagth] Name -Drumagth Appearance - [img]http://i.imgur.com/UeWRrZB.jpg[/img] Level of corruption - Almost completely tainted Skills - is not very skilled in close combat, but will still fight back as best he can until he can put distance. Lacks in muscle, but is still quite large. His fire is green, and is not able to be put out by water. Magical abilities(If needed) - has studied almost every magic available to him. Including: elemental, small weather control, short range teleportation, and necromancy (he is no master, but he understands what he is doing.) Political standing (elfs, dwarfs, men, or just dragon): he is neutral for the most part, but will normally lean towards dragon. Public goal with the order: to simply gain power. Backstory - Gigeth had corrupted him at the battle of the frozen wastes. As Drumagth began to shift into corruption, his only thought is of Graguth. He had sacrificed himself to save his brother. Now his once beautiful purple and blue scales darkened to the corrupted black they are today. The corrupting force almost kills him as he falls to the hard frozen stone of the wall. The rageful roars of his brother ring out as his sight blacks out. Drumagth awoken inside the tombs of horror. His thoughts and goals now corrupted. Almost all of his past self was removed from him. Bigray had begun to teach him the darker aspects of magic. Forming him to replace himself one day as a counsel member of the Black Rose. Drumagth had spent the rest of his youth mastering his magical abilities, and becoming well respected among his father's Order. Drumagth awoken inside his lair at the tomb of horrors. The dream that had pestered him since he had taken his father's place in the order. He stretched and let loose a small but of his green fire on himself to warm himself up. Slowly moving out of the rather large tomb that he had picked to sleep in, "Bigray, awaken!" The undead form of his father flew down from his resting place on top of the tomb. As he landed in the raspy voice of the a undead, "What is it my lord?" Ignoring the bow and striding past him, "Prepare the necromancers for my withdrawal." Bigray nodded then left without a word. The Order of the Black Rose was holding a meeting later that day to see if we should retake the frozen wastes. Drumagth thought it was a waste of time, but he planned on influence the Order's next choice of action. He stopped his stride at the hill that looks over his lands. A bellow from Bigray let him know that everything was fine. Stretching out his wings and throwing his monstrous head up he left out a roar then took flight. Bigray followed along with a fee other dragons under his command. Some of them actually still living instead of being undead. They flew south to the shrine of curses, were the Order has its meetings. Holdings (If needed. First come first serve)- the tomb of horrors, whisperwood, withering jungle, and Caer Ebringor Current location- The shrine of curses. Allegiance- Order of the Black Rose, more loyal to himself though. Other- in honor of the old fool [hider=Bigray] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PX8BUVe.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider= Dirath] [img]http://i.imgur.com/JaUBFwY.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Besimious] [img]http://i.imgur.com/D2hQBPa.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Kragon] [img]http://i.imgur.com/xQBk8H0.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Gramonlon] [img]http://i.imgur.com/7Q24EMX.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] From my By Wings of Death