Character Name: Roman "Rome" Petrovik Age: 29 Height: 5' 11" Weight: 195lbs Appearance: [img] [/img] [Hider=Gear][img] [/img][/hider] Personality: Stubborn, sarcastic, and an asshole would be some things a person would call him if they just met him, but if the stopped for a second and payed attention.... he's still a stubborn, sarcastic asshole. Often making jokes at the absolutely worst time and slacking off whenever he gets the chance, but deep down he is kind hearted and would quickly step in front of a bullet for someone he just met (and likes). He has a deep appreaciation for old things like cars, guns, art, music and traditions. He respects other peoples religions and points of views but will not let them convince him it is the "only" way. He always looks for the option everyone else looks over. Searching for that coinflip that lands on its rim. History: [Hider=Part 1]It was quite obvious Roman was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth, in fact he was lucky to have a spoon at all at times. Living in Siberia, Russia was tough but thankfully he had a loving mother and a strict father to keep him going. Spending his younger years playing with the local kids his age was all he could really do aside from his daily chores around the house. The large apartment complex was filled with many others just as poverty stricken as his family, and it probabbly wasn't the best atmosphere to raise a family given the gangs, drug deals, and extortioning going on right outside his door. Roman made the best of it though, he had no other choice. His mother stayed home, cooked, and cleaned while his father worked triple shifts just to put food on the table workin at a metal fabrication company. Roman considering his situation he was doing rather well. All was good until Romans mother had someone knock on her door with some bad news. Unfortunately Dimitri Petrovik, Romans father had an incident at work. One of the stamping machines took hold of Dimitris arm and crushed it into many different pieces. Lana, his mother was devistated. Thankfully Dimitri survived but at great cost. He was constantly in pain and the medical bills were piling up. Rome had no choice but to start working at age 10. Doing chores around the complex and delivering groceries to elders who cannot leave the house. No matter how much Roman earned, his father pissed away on vodka and painkillers. Roman had no choice but to start working with the local gangs to make enough money to survive. Bringing packages to undisclosed locations and stealing from peoples houses at age 15. This was the life he had no choice but to live. This is also when he found out that he was pretty damn good at it. Soon resorting to a life as a thug as a main means for income, he used whatever he could to his advantage in paying off his families debts. When Roman turned 17, he got fed up with dealing with his deadbeat father. Always blaming the pain of his accident to bolster his need for alcahol or drugs. Never bothering to even acknowledge his wife or Roman and only saw them as a means of paying for his booze. Roman fell into a hatred filled rage and beat the ever loving shit out of his father kicking him out. Threatening that if he ever came back he would put a bullet into his head with the very same gun his father gave him to "protect the family". Roman was originally going to sell the revolver but figured it would prove useful in case something got too out of hand. A couple days later Dimitri came back during the night in a drunken rage and accidently killed his wife who had pulled a gun on him out of fear. Dimitri saw red and smashed Lana with a wine bottle to the head. Dimitri cried for hours over what he had done while Roman slept and decided to end his own life with the very gun he gave Roman to protect his family with. When Roman awoke from the sound of the gunshot, he feared the worst. Running outside to where his dead parents lie, he watched the gruesome sight while a couple concerned neighbors also managed to look out their doorways. Roman saw black, the only thing he could think was why... why did this happen? Why did they deserve this? Why did he keep the gun? Roman yanked the gun out of his dead fathers fingers and placed the barrel between his teeth. *click.... nothing....*click click click. Still nothing. Roman cried for days, unable to join his family.... Alone.[/hider] [Hider=Part 2] At age 17 Roman joined the Russian military under false papers. He didn't want to be stuck in that house anymore in fear of what he may do either to himself or others so he stashed away his fathers revolver then shipped himself away to be a dog for the military. Suicide was all he could think of at the time and what better way to die than in an unmarked grave in six feet of snow? That was his initial thoughts but once he started training and discipline and the teachings they gave him, he was actually starting to like the whole idea. He was a born natural at shooting, fighting and quick thinking. He also seemed to have an innate talent for staying calm under pressure. These natural talents gave him much respect among his higher ups and envy from his teammates but he didn't care either way. He was enjoying himself, something that was hard for him to do recently considering the last time he did was at age 10. After almost 8 years in the force and quite the impressive track record under his belt, he was invited by his captain to apply for testing in the Spetsnaz special operations force. Roman agreed with his captain and decided to go for it. Roman passed the inital exam, but just barely. He was comissioned to a team and sent out to his new outpost up in the siberian mountains to train and use as a home base of operations. His low test score only ment that his natural ability was not enough and he needed to work harder.[/hider] Special Talents: Roman has a rare genetic mutation in which adrenaline rushes can be controlled and sustained without the immeadiate side effects of panic, frenzy, paranoia, and jitters. Its almost as if the world around him slows down to roughly a third of its current speed. Pain is slightly reduced and his sense of awareness is heightned. Roman is skilled when it comes to vehicles. He can drive anything with wheels, tracks, wings, or Rotors... just don't ask him to drive a boat... he hates boats and boats seem to hate him back. A good marksman but by far from the best. He's not one to go for "trick shots" when its simply more effective to go for center mass. With the right bullet it shouldn't matter where he shoots as long as it hits his target. Personal Weapons & Equipment: [Hider=Sniper Rifle][Img][/img][/hider] [Hider=Ak47][Img][/img] *Equipped with bayonet lug[/hider] [Hider=Schofield Revolver][img][/img] [Img][/img] Romans prized posession given to him by his father. It was one of the first centerfire pistols given to Russian generals in the old days. This revolver chambered in .44r was revolutionary in design with its top break ejection and ability to quickly reload another 6 rounds in less than a second with the help of speedloaders. Its considered archaic nowadays but Roman is fond of older things.[/hider] *Ka-Bar Knife/bayonet Personal Theme: [youtube]IlXTdT45bMo&feature[/youtube]