In Cyrodiil, where the Moth Priests had their Demesne, three of them read from three Elder Scrolls, each one describing events through one third of Tamriel. The first one read from the scroll describing events in the West, in Hammerfell and High Rock and New Orsinium. In a deep, magically enhanced voice, he described continued success for the young king of Hammerfell, and the rediscovery of the Ansei's arts in just several months, several months preceeded with good harvests, abundant trade from whatever commerce partners were left, and the continued success of the Ash'aba tribe in controlling the undead, before continuing on to describe events at High Rock, where the Moth Priest would then recite: [i]Ada-mantia! Old Altmer of High Rock, raise high again the banner of the Tower of Balfiera 'gainst the Thalmor, and stand by Men once more![/i] This was a proclamation by the Direnni Clan of the Isle of Balifera, the last Elven ruling family living on Human Lands, who lived near a tower where the Gods themselves had dwelt. The Direnni clan, though not perfect, had looked askance at what their cousins at Summerset Isle had been doing, and had now decided to make their move, declaring themselves a safe place for all Altmer dissidents against the Thalmor, as well as any adventurer willing to embark on operations against them. Not merely that, but should they have the assent of whoever claimed rule of High Rock at present, they would begin diplomatic feelers towards anyone willing to form an Anti-Thalmor coalition. New Orsinium, meanwhile, would stay quiet, its industrious people set upon rebuilding and fortifying against a potential Breton and Redguard invasion. However, outside this realm, the Orcs would continue to either be confined to 'strongholds', or be slaves in all but name to the Bretons. If nothing was done to mitigiate this discontent, something might happen; it might not happen now, or might not even happen for a full century, but oppressing other races has never worked out for both oppressed and oppressor in the long run. But enough moralizing; the First Moth Priest had ended his reading, and it was time for the second one to begin his portion, which this time, covered events in the Northern and Eastern Third of Tamriel. Skyrim continues to suffer, with Ulfric Stormcloak and General Tulius preparing their next moves, as constant skirmishing continues. As the war drags on, the cost is not just in human lives, but in livelihoods, as farmers are called away from their harvests, workers from their jobs, taxes continue to exact a toll upon the population, and trade is endangered. Bandits continue to multiply like flies, and the Forsworn continue their attacks... Morrowind, meanwhile, begins to climb its way back to a facsimile of prosperity, as merchants trade, Great Houses reestablish their power, and a push back against the Argonians is being pondered. Black Marsh, on the other hand, has begun consolidating, fortifying, and defending its domains, preparing for said counterattack by the Dunmer. And now it was the turn of the last Moth Priest, who would tell of the Aldmeri Dominion, and Cyrodiil itself. The Aldmeri Dominion continues to prosper; it is a realm of tyrants, where even the Altmer are stuck in a rigid caste system, where surveillance, even of thought, was omnipresent, where even on Summerset Isle itself, assassins, spies, and mages hold the land in an iron fist, creating an illusion of a false utopia where everyone was happy and fulfilled in their 'divinely ordered place'. Nevertheless, that does not stop the foundries and shipyards of the High Elves from producing new weapons and vessels of war; nor does it stop new recruits from adding their strength to the burgeoning forces getting ready for a renewed effort at expansion; whether it's the Cyrodiil or Hammerfell is unknown, all that is known is that the Thalmor had rebuilt their strength, and wish to make war anew. But in Valenwood and Elswyr, discontent can be felt. The Bosmer and Khajiit are united in one thing: The Thalmor had overstayed their welcome. True, they were promised superiority over Man, as well as given valuable places as auxiliaries in the Thalmor Army. However, this does not change the fact that unlike the First Aldmeri Dominion, this new 'Realm of Mer' was not a partnership of equals. This cannot be allowed any longer. And in Cyrodiil, the seat of the Empire of Man... The Final Moth Priest intoned, speaking of events happening at present. Amaund Motierre had been discovered trying to contact the Dark Brotherhood to assassinate the Emperor, and had been arrested, but the scandal had shocked the Court, creating discord between the Emperor and the Elder Council. Ironically, this event strengthened both the Empire and the nascent Res Publica, the former, because a retaliatory strike had killed off the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim, and the latter, because of the distraction it provided...