[b]"Toast!"[/b] Sume-san grabbed his blobfish and plonked him onto his head as he plodded meaningfully over to the new toaster Vernon-san had made, which Koneko-kun was currently in the middle of exploiting. But suddenly, he sensed a surge of dangerous power. He turned to his left to see Bella-san leering evilly as she prepared some kind of spell. [b]"Oh no! Koneko-kun is in trouble!"[/b] He rushed as fast as his small legs would allow him to, over to the small table the toaster was situated on. He plunged his jaws into the wood, and prepared to heave! [b]"Strong nibble!"[/b] He said, heaving the table upwards and flipping it over his head, Koneko-san and the toaster sailing through the air, before releasing the table hurtling towards Bella-san. He felt a bolt of energy being released and he saw it collide with the table causing a large [i]boom![/i] as the wood shattered into splinters.