A grin creped across his face as Rayland heard everyone’s responses to the massive carrier outside and the query on the experience of mass scale warp travel. He watched as the crew around him seemingly bracing themselves as if they were about to expect a rocky flight though space and time. They weren't wrong in that sense but not exactly in the way they would eventually encounter and later perceive what was about to come. It was a guilty pleasure of him not informing anyone in the bridge about what to expect that amused him so; Rayland’s only perceived innocence was that fact that no harm was going to befall anyone, aside from a churning stomach inflicted by mental dizziness and cognitive questioning. Outside, the [i]Infamous Alto[/i] and the other transport vessels were at last locked to the portside of the [i]Howling Sun[/i], once again held to the carrier by rows of securing clamps and gravity anchors. From [i]Alto’s[/i] bridge, everyone could see the endlessly long reaching bow of the carrier almost shooting into the dark void of stars past the ever present nebulae and its reflective glow. While Towan was processing yet another procedural checklist for their departure, another string of ships came into view, flying past the Alto as a second massive carrier soon arrived at the scene trailing behind her escorts; the [i][url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/318/9/3/atlantus_battlecruiser_by_handofmanos-d4g68jv.jpg]ACS Asuka[/url][/i]. Almost equal in size compared to the [i]Howling Sun[/i], the [i]Asuka[/i] bore a sleeker and lengthier profile that its Sphere created counterpart however presented little in terms of onboard firepower. Developed by the ATC, the [i]ACS Asuka[/i] stayed true to its role as a carrier as nearly more than half of its internal mass is devoted to hanger space and thus carried legions of fighter and bomber squadrons within her bowels. Going by this fact, it is no wonder the [i]Asuka[/i] travels along side with an entire fleet of support cruisers. As if the local space wasn't crowded enough, the [i][url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs13/i/2007/008/a/8/battlecruiser_by_Tiiara.jpg]CWS Dev’rana[/url] appeared on the [i]Infamous Alto’s[/i][/i] holo-imagery and coming up to the [i]Howling Sun’s[/i] starboard. Built by Kotorian and Oun’mai shipcrafters and engineers, the Dev’rana is a massive warship, easily dwarfing both of the human vessels and appearing the most armed to with dozens of weapon arrays and escorted by a small and yet heavily armed compliment of battle cruisers and interceptor frigates. Though obviously reinforced, hints of structural damage could be identified by the naked, noting the ship’s long service in possibly countless combat tours. Much of the command staff on the [i]Alto’s[/i] bridge, whom were focused at their sensitive tasks at hand could no longer ignore their craving curiosity any longer and watched as the entire expeditionary force’s many vessels formed up outside Falymar Station. [i][b][color=00aeef]“Captain Rayland Sul’tari. Preparations for departure have been met. Sensor pings from [i]SWS Howling Sun[/i], [i]ACS Asuka[/i], and [i]CWS Dev’rana[/i] confirm that the entire expeditionary force has been fully accounted for. Estimation of time till-[/color][/b][/i] It was rather uncommon for Towan to fall short while communicating a status report. But then again, feeling the tremors of an immense gravitational disturbance of course never goes unnoticed or ignored; this is especially in the case when said gravity tidal waves were being generated by the three more largest and more fearsome warships in the entire sector. [i][b][color=00aeef]“Gravitational distortion detected twelve o’ clock, one hundred fifty one point fifty four kilometers.”[/color][/b][/i] Towan reported. Before in front everyone in the entire fleet was an anomaly that could be only described as something akin to a black hole; though not the destructive kind crew and captains fear alike whenever it was faced however. With the Jump Drives of each carrier now activating, the resonance generated by the ships had literally bended space and time at their jump vector. As if looking into giant water droplet, the surrounding space and any objects within it was reflected back in a spherical-like manner, contorting the light of stars as the wormhole seemingly spun due to the effects of the gravitational forces at work. Without warning, the [i]Howling Sun[/i] begun to accelerate along with the other ships as they closed in on the wormhole, allowing only few minutes for preparations for the jump before the inevitable occurred. [i][b][color=00aeef]“All crewmen, interstellar jump will initiate in five minutes.”[/color][/b][/i] Towan announced through the [i]Infamous Alto’s[/i] ship wide band. The command staff and everyone else onboard began to brace themselves but not in the manner of one who would be anticipating a violent collision of mass. Before long, the high pitched mechanical bellow from the [i]Howling Sun's[/i] Jump Drive echoed into the [i]Infamous Alto[/i] hull as it ignited, beginning the interstellar jump almost immediately. Each carrier and their respective escorts were then engulfed in a sea of shining and swirling spectacles that danced around each vessel in which the artificial phenomenon was known as a Warp Bubble. The Warp Bubbles were responsible for keeping anything within them secured and safe as the bubble ferried the ships into slipspace. "Here we go..." Rayland muttered as he watched the event unfold. [center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/CgoEpQ0WKtJJ0LNmfKMqZU4d7D4jqMEBgZ8W_8xwSjg=w366-h150-p-no[/img][/center] As the Howling Sun's own Warp Bubble crossed the wormhole, the briefest of flashes of light poured into the bridge until it quickly vanished as it came. Sensors from outside pooled live footage into the monitors, showing an endless surge of stars flying past the Howling Sun and her escorts. Though the jump appeared to have come and gone without incident, many in the bridge were quick to disagree as many began to show signs of obvious fatigue and sickness. One officer whom never felt the effects of an interstellar jump before quickly held his stomach and mouth tight and shut, resisting the urge to vomit his guts out all over the floor. Rayland observed the weary crewmen attempting to recuperate themselves knowing full well why they were even feeling like this. However instantaneous as things appeared when the jump started, there was actually far more behind the split-second of flashing blindness that ensued and everyone's mind had recorded it despite the apparent dilation in time. The moment their bubble had touched the wormhole, everyone in the task force had experienced a brief sense of spaghettification. The event that quickly took place had stretched the mass of everything, whether it had been biological or mechanical to the near equivalent to an entire lightyear's distance before reality was corrected and stabilized within the bubble. Most people at this point could recollect an extreme case of tunnel vision for several minutes, watching as everything around them was [i]quickly[/i] pulled and stretched out as if reality were a piece of gum. Compared to the minuscule effects of a basic slipspace transit, a interstellar jump such as this was agreeably a very different kind of beast. "I sure do hope the floor is still pure of any reflexive bile." announced Rayland as sarcastic order to keep the floor clean. With all the ships under the [i]SWS Howling Sun[/i] still accounted for, they were on their way to the Quox system. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/dY6VlGR.gif[/img][/center]