Amy sighed softly as the Pale boy seemed to evade the question about his name, when Aaron asked it. She had been pleased when Aaron had asked, but this was just disappointing. She gave a shrug, looking out the window, before looking to the pale boy. [color=92278f]"For myself, it would be easier for me to refer you by a name, even if it isn't a real name, rather than something like "the pale boy" or the "albino". Plus, it's more respectful, and better than that"[/color] She shrugged again, her eyes drifting to Jackson as the boy began to grow restless. She rose smoothly, and lifted Jackson into her arms, moving easily to open window. She pointed out that from up here, you could see far, and Jackson eagerly began to look for their house. She indulged him in that, knowing that it would occupy him for a time. She looked back over her shoulder, and continued. [color=92278f]"And beyond anythinng else, I like kknowing peoples names. I like finding interesting names, and I like being able to call people by their names. But if you don't want to give us your real name, just give us a fake name."[/color] She said, and smiled brightly, returning her attention to Jackson, as the young boy eagerly pointed into the distance, at a random house,[color=6ecff6]"is that it, Mommy?"[/color] What was the harm in playing along? [color=92278f]"It could very well be! I should have turned the christmas lights on, so we could see it"[/color] She had never taken the lights down, deciding that they had been too hard to get up, they could just stay up. It was merely just some colourful lights, but they had thrilled Jackson.