[center][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/119/d/1/mighty_morphin_wallpaper_by_beebo004-d3f7m56.jpg[/img][/center] [b][u]Rangers:[/u][/b] -Red Ranger (Snarfulblast) -Blue Ranger (Duthguy) -Yellow Ranger (Snarfulblast) -Black Ranger (ShadowRaeper) -Pink Ranger (GM-Until someone else comes along) -White Ranger (MatParker1711) [u][b]Villains:[/b][/u] -Rita -Lord Zedd -Goldar -Finster -Squatt -Scorpina -Rito -Tenga Warriors (Various Kind) -Putty Patrollers (Various Kind) -Unknown The end game for Rita and Lord Zedd was near, the power rangers were so close to defeating Rita and Lord Zedd. In one last attempt to finish the power rangers Lord Zedd had managed to gather 5 crystals, these were time traveling crystals which worked only once and were there just in case something went wrong. These crystals only came about once every 300 years, a plan was made and Rita was to go back in time to stop the rangers before they were in formed by eliminating them before hand. Lord Zedd and his minions kept the rangers busy long enough fro Rita to travel back, the red ranger had managed to see in time but not prevent it happening. They did not know what happened as they soon brought Lord Zedd and his minions down once and for all. The rangers were no longer needed or so they thought, as they were about to give up their power coins each began to feel strange. Just like that they faded from history, everything they had done was undone. In this new yet dark world Rita did not marry Lord Zedd as she wanted the power to herself. But that is not what happened, in this world Rita controls 33.33% of the world, Lord Zedd controls 33.33% of the world and a new enemy controls 33.33& of the world. The three enemies are stronger here then they were in the original timeline. Will five new rangers take their place or will darkness rain over Angel Groove and the world forever. Zordon and Alpha 5 are hidden else where since the command centre was destroyed and are in it and are still alive. The RP is set up during the original power ranger series and so the colours are set, the original villians are set, the original zord is set but the characters are not. The newer zords won't be set and so I may play around with them in different orders or not use them at all. [b]Because the rangers were beaten before they ever became rangers, the green ranger would of not existed and so they don't exist yet.[/b] The white ranger however will be and so that spot can be the cannon character if you want as he was not involved until later as she traveled back much earlier before Tommy was introduced. [u][b]CS:[/b][/u] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] (Around the same age as the original rangers or close) [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] (None Anime) [u][b]Ranger Colour:[/b][/u] [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] [u][b]Skills/Hobbies:[/b][/u] [b][u]Background:[/u][/b] Please post them in the character tab and not the OOC tab.