Several things were happening all in quick, rapid succession and each one served only to give Kei headaches; it was already bad enough that the supposed adult had no idea how to cook the basic of the basic, but add to that people shouting, people shooting, and people setting things on fire and it rocketed up from 'bad' to 'this has to be a joke'. And if that wasn't bad enough, Kei was holding, not by choice of course, Shuu in her arms, cradling him like she was carrying him out of a burning building. Which was quite possibly the case, were the fire not attended to. And then there was the bit with the table. Kei made a split second decision once the table was flipped, once things were flying about, and once water was being flung through the air, and that decision was to simply shriek out in annoyance and stomp out of the kitchen; it was a madhouse in there and she was not going to be committed so early in the morning. Not in her pajamas. As she re-entered the hallway, she realized that her walk was...slower. And then she remembered she was still holding onto Shuu. "Ohhhh," she mused, "Wait, that's not would an adult react...Oh!" Kei cleared her throat. [b]"YOU PERVERT!"[/b] she shouted, letting her grip go and dropping Shuu to the floor. Kei marched off towards her room. She would come out when she smelled breakfast. Or the smoke of the house burning down. Whichever came first.