“I am no shadow, my little insect - I am Yaves, the Primordial Ghost. ’Twas I who unlocked the secrets of death so very long ago… But to one such as the Sei, such is a futile achievement before the failure that I brought to them. I miss the days when the crystals were less confined, and there was little of the alabaster glow to cover the world… In some ways, it is my fault that there is more. But that’s more than enough to sate your earlier curiosities, is it not? I cannot guarantee that you will not have more by the time she deigns to answer you, but I have satisfied your original request. That said, I do have a little task for you, should you wish to be of service once more… Kimlee, Eien, Chyou and Itsuki are travelling around - could you pass the message on that there have been hurricane warnings for Toran? I am sure they will understand.” Yaves laughed, revelling in the moment. He had not been able to talk to any mortals properly for a very long time when he was confined to Rebena, and the chance to increase his power was one he was very much looking forward to. Axel would be a useful tool in that regard, whether or not he knew it or even wanted to be as such. “If you do pass my message along, the first page of the book shall reveal itself to you without the need for a soul to pass through it - a small reward for a small task.”