[b]Scarett - Baton Rouge - Lilah/Vivian[/b] Although the smell of rotting flesh and internal organs is something that nobody could possibly get used to, Scarlett was beginning to overcome it when an unexpected cough made her jump and turn around quickly. Scarlett stared at the female in front of her with a mixture of surprise and fear as she waited for her to either begin shooting or to act aggressive towards her. Maybe she had been in one too many hostile situations. Her hand gripped her blade tightly as she sized the young woman up and she took a small step backwards, unfortunately being stopped by the two corpses behind her. She didn't want to speak first, not knowing how the stranger would react, but she felt a bit of relief the girl apologized for scaring her. "I..... Uh.." Scarlett was at a loss for words, almost the same way when she had been found by Tyler and his group. "I don't want to hurt anyone.... I just need to get some supplies and I'll be on my way." Her tone of voice was soft yet held a sense of authority and confidence. She didn't want to seem as vulnerable as she felt, nor did she want to seem too bitchy.