HEBIGAMI is accepted! You can post your character in the characters tab. As for you, klaudus, everything is perfect, but your stats are 1 point over at 11 points, so you'll have to deduct a grade from your stand somewhere XD once you do, just post it over to the characters tab with no worries xp This RP is getting really Popular all of a sudden, may need a co-gm to help with all the peeps at one point! I'l think on that later though. The rp will probably begin in about a week, just have to make some changes to the plot and the like and see where I can take the roleplay! Lets hope I can entertain you all with something fabulous! Also, try to post at least once a week, and try not to bombard the ic with too many posts after another XD Since it is an advanced roleplay and all that. I'm too excited XD