"Yeah," Jackson said as he follwed Kanoa, feeling at ease and energized from being in the forest, he felt the urge to twirl around, but quickly surpressed the whimsical urge. "They'tre fox spirits that have blue fire, rale human form, and can ma-" Jackson stopped talking as a realization donned on him. "We're chasing a kitsune, aren't we." He asked, though his tone implied there was no real need to answer that question. "Okay, we're chasing a magic, fire flinging fox, but why did it kidnap the guy we're looking for. I'm not to familiar with it, just no about it from some animes I've watched." Jackson looked down at his silver bladed dagger, wonderung if it be any use against Kitsune. European stories say it's good for harming evil, but who's to say it'd work on the japanese spirit. That tnought brought another question to mind. "Hey, what would a Japanese spirit be doing all the way here in America, anyway? It seems a bit far away from home." 'You'd be surprised how easy it is to get lost when you're a spirit boy, the world becomes a whole lot smaller then.' Aphosis said, whispering into Jackson mond siuggestions on where on each person he shpuld plant the knife. Jackson did his best to tune him out, but it was a bit hard considering his headache and lack of sleep.