Solomon's train reached the top of the space elevator and he got off, making his way through the hallways and malls of the spaceport. he had arrived a bit early, so decided to grab a drink before heading to his gate. Unfortunately, the line at the vendor booth was unusually long today. He looked at the back of the person in front of him and wondered if the man was Ascended or Wildtype. Solomon grimaced as he thought about how in the past, Wildtypes were required to wear identifying clothing, and how that was no longer the case. If he could know if the person in front of him was Wildtype, he would remorselessly use his mind control to have that person get out of line for him. Of course, Solomon would never admit that so self-centered was he that he was incapable of using his telepathy to read minds, only to control them. Rather than risk trying to control the mind of another Ascended, Solomon waited patiently until it was his turn to place his order. Solomon arrived at his gate well ahead of schedule. He had been thinking of the glory that he would bring to himself in service of the Ascendancy when he noticed two young women waiting at the gate. They seemed to be the first ones to arrive. if they were Ascendeds, then he would say they were probably overacheivers, but if they were Wildtypes, he would say they were overeager sycophants. Holding his drink in one hand and scratching his head in dismay with the other, Solomon missed his purely Ascended upbringing, where confusing Ascendeds with Wildtypes wasn't an issue he had to worry about. At the moment, he wasn't sure whether or not to be polite to every new person he met, so he just sat down, a bit away from the two and kept to himself.