[center][h2][color=#7E5401][B]Monzaemon, Kawatake[/B] – [I]Thread Weaver[/I][/color][/h2][/center] Exiting the compound later that day far after Uemura had dealt with the stranger at their gate, Kawatake--followed closely by Tataruki and her fox--trudged through the desert in an effort to quickly arrive in Gobi village. Preferring not to be caught in a sandstorm, or three, Kawatake and Tataruki took few breaks as he was intent on finishing this as quickly as possible. He did not like wasting time and this applied to everyday life as much as it did to missions of any sort. So it was, after many hours of tiring travel, that the two saw the village upon the horizon. Exhaling sharply, Kawatake stopped a moment, glaring through the sand and heat towards the settlement. He didn't like the feel of this, but it didn't matter. Glancing at Tataruki briefly, then looking away, he started again and the two would soon find themselves entering Gobi Village. With any luck, the villagers, and any resident clan, would be responsible. It would be better that way, otherwise the Monzaemon would be dragged into what would likely be a much more complex situation. One that he did not like the idea of at all, even if they were likely to triumph in the end. It was with this in mind that he set foot in the village. Hoping that things would be simple, but figuring they would be anything but. It was an unfortunate place to be.