"Kei-chaan!" Shuu called out, arm outstretched in desperation as the girl ran farther and farther away. A loud orchestra played dramatic music within his mind. Pervert?! Him? Well, maybe. The kitchen was a wreck. Shuu's rump ached. He got up from his spot on the ground and went back to the kitchen, where the others had started trying to piece the kitchen back together. Looks like we'll be buying a new table, huh Ata-chan?" He mumbled guiltily, scratching the back of his head with a disgruntled frown on his face. "Oh, Hajime-chan. About your earlier question. I thought it would be great for all of us to get up early in preparation for the tournament." He took a brochure out of the back pocket up his pajamas and held it up as a bright light radiated from it. "This tournament. It's hosted by the Universal Abilities Co. We're going to be divided into different pairs. I decided we all have enough talent, so I entered us as a competing team. If we win, we get a vacation at a beautiful resort." His eyes roamed over the destruction. "We probably need it the most."