In the midst of the chaos on board this and every other vessel in the fleet, from gabbering sorcerers who mumbled incoheriently to themselves and shouted questionable statements at any who wandered too close, to the cowering and ravenous mutants who scrounged for food and really anything on board. And were not above killing or eating their fellows if their mood called for it. To large Chaos marines that thundered through the aged and creaking halls. Dispassionatly killing those who stood in their way. And yet in an odd display, for chaos worshippers especially was a large company of men. Each one wearing matching uniforms and helmets. Standing with ramrod straight postures and in drill perfect lines and columns in perfect silence. Any muttering or unsightly movements and twitches were long since beaten out of them by the corprals and sergeants who already walked down the ranks and dealt blows and slaps to them men in preperation for this announcement. Their boots were polished to a sheen and their rifles were well kept and carefully cleaned. Another stark contrat to the writhing masses that worrounded them. They stood out as possibly the only show of discipline and proper order in a sea of disharmony. And at the head of this odd little display was the masked figure of major Varl. His smooth and featureless face ebtrayed nothing of what he may have thought about the boldness of the dark apostle's statement. Or the claims he was making. He found that he was not as prone to mood swings and following the illusions of emotion as many followers of chaos seemed to be. He may not be in the imperial military anymore but he still valued their insistance on thinking tactically and making a strike only when you knew you either had all the cards in your favour or taking the chance was worth the risk. And right now he was debating how this little crusade would end. After twelve attempts all made by the same commanders one would think they would shift tactics and try to compensate for their obvious shortcomings. One would think anyway..... While he was happy to lead his men into combat and victory he was less enthusiastic about leading them straight to their doom. And one of the few things he learned after turning to chaos was that most of their commanders didn't always think in the grande scheme of things. They became overly focused on a single goal and outcome to the point where they all but dismissed thoughts and suggestions that it could not be achieved. And if ten thousand years of history and wars against the Emperor were to say anything it was that these plans never suceeded.... ever. Most cultists and even chaos marines only thought about their next kill, their next sexcapade or injection of some foreign substance. They rarely planned for the long term. And in the case of Tzeentchians they planned too far into the long term. All but dismissing any short term complications that often arose that threw their careful planning into immediate disarray. And then there was the back stabbing.... As an imperial soldier he always wondered why the arch-enemy fought amongst themselves so often. Entire battles and wars were won because Massed imperial columsn smashed straight into quarraling enemy forces as infighting ran rampant. And after joining them and fighting alongside them for the last sixty plus years he still didn't have an answer to that question. Often they were petty disagreements or worse, over no cause at all other than the servants of one god really dislike the servants of another. Or simply boredom. Hell he didn't even declare any extreme loyalties that would give cause for others to label him as an enemy but still he had at least a score of assassination attempts made against him in the last two years alone! And the Bribes!.... oh dark gods below the bribes politics and bribery. As it turned out well equipped companies of trained and disciplined soldiers were in high demand and frighteningly short supply. And many minor and major lords have already made bids for his loyalty or at least support. Offering him all manner of gifts and lies in the hopes of securing his support and arms if they made a coup or move against a rival. He suspected at least a few to try and usurp his position in some way and try to assume command over his men. He would need to be extra watchful while he was on board this ship of both his men and his enemies. But he would remain resolute and independant for as long as he could. A difficult task but one he was determined to suceed in. But for the immediate future he would need to make sure that his men were prepared and trained to add yet another battle honour to the hallowed standard and name of the marauders. And not sacrificed or cast aside for the over ambitious zeal of some insane chaos lord looking to rise beyond his station.