[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Simba%20Lionhart%20-%20Gif_zpswzcv1brq.gif[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Kidagakash%20Nedakh%20-%20Gif_zpsy4wmcsbh.gif[/img] [h1][color=Goldenrod]Simba Lionhart[/color] and [color=LightSteelBlue]Kidagakash Nedakh[/color][/h1] [h2]Present Day - Atlantis[/h2][/center] Squinting his eyes tighter before letting them slide open slowly, Simba lifted up his arm, using his forearm to cover up his eyes as the afternoon sun filtered in through the cut-out windows that weren't covered up by the nearly transparent curtains. Resting his arm down, he jerked it back away feeling something cool and damp connecting with his skin. Furrowing his brows, causing the skin on his forehead to move, he suddenly became aware of a soft pressure resting on his head; what felt like a wet rag to keep his otherwise warm body temperature at a tolerable level. Groaning a bit as his eyes re-opened, his stomach muscles flexed on his bare abdomen, as his shirt had been removed at some point, as he raised himself up to a sitting position. The wet rag slid down his face, covering up his eyes for a moment before his mind was able to register what was going on and used his hand to take the wet rag off. The first thing he noticed was the fire crackling in the stone hearth a couple of feet away from him, his brown shirt hanging over a wooden pole laid horizontally to dry, his white pants still on his person (which he was eternally grateful for) but practically dry from his close proximity to the flames. It was then, after noticing the fire, that Simba realized that he was [i]inside[/i], and not just in a cave. Like a ton of bricks, everything came down on his mind with impenetrable force. The girl, the hidden city, the bond, the... memories that were not his own. Blinking his bright blue eyes, Simba's head spun on a swivel, trying to place where he was (though he had a pretty good idea already) and where the girl had gone off to. Lifting her hand up she let her slender fingers run back through her long pure white locks pushing them back off her face as she crossed the room she called her own her hips swaying from side to side though the girl no longer looked like the warrior she had earlier that morning but more of the Queen she was expected to be, letting her hand drop back to her side she she let them swing back and forth in time with her hips her arms brushing against the light blue material that wrapped around her hips barely covering her lower half from sight accentuating her curves a long sash wrapped loosely around it for decoration allowing both ends to hang down in front of her each brushing against her bare though toned legs. Her upper body however was free of any material light blue tribal markings matching the tattoo that was under her left eye were painted down her left arm golden bangles hanging around her wrists and right ankle while her ears held golden earrings, bringing her hand up she placed it over her crystal once more gracing her neck with its presence a small smile playing on her lips now that the pain that had been shooting through her ankle hours earlier was now completely gone. Letting her hand drop from her necklace she extended her arm sweeping away the material hanging over the door before she ducked under it stepping inside slowly as her eyes fell upon his figure looking around her smile only growing and her expression softening now that she knew that he was okay, "You are awake. I hope you are well. You have been out for several hours." Moving further into the room she wandered past him her feet carrying her over to a table holding a bowl full of different fruits and a pitcher with two glasses to go with it and its contents, reaching out she grabbed up the pitcher pouring them each a drink of water before she picked the two mugs up turning until she was once again facing him her arm extending to offer him one as she lifted the other to her lips taking a drink for herself before she placed it back on the table top, "Your attire was soaked through by the waters of the cave. I did all I could to dry them, however I brought you a change of clothes if you wish to make use of them." The corner of his eye caught the movement of a sheet being pushed to the side, turning his head to spot the woman, who he now just understood was named Kidagakash Nedakh (apparently she wasn't swearing at him earlier) but more importantly than that, he noticed her clothing... or lack thereof. He could feel his ears filling with blood, turning them into a brilliant shade of red that was thankfully covered up by his long mess of blonde hair, though he didn't have the same luxury for hiding the blush on his cheeks. As a boy, Simba hadn't ever been around women enough to know what, well what a woman [i]looked[/i] like, and frankly his child-like mind hadn't even stopped to think upon it as the years turned him into a man. He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but this... this wasn't it. And thirteen years of being away from people altogether, let alone females, just drove him into more confusion. All he knew was that women, back at The Pride Lands, were regarded with grace and beauty, their bodies to be embraced and left little to cover as clothing would disgrace what Mother Earth had given them. But even in The Pride Lands, there was always [i]some[/i] amount of modesty. Her word were completely droned out, Simba hadn't heard a single syllable she had said to him as all he could do was stare, feeling very much like the curious little boy he had been before being banished to the wilderness but his adult mind stayed his tongue. She wasn't acting any differently, from what he could tell, and now that he was awake and their closeness opening up their bond again, he could feel her calm demeanor, helping to calm down himself... a little... so he pushed past it and forced his eyes to look up and at the woman. "Kidagakash... that is your name..." He said with a new wave of understanding. Sitting up on the bed a bit straighter, he looked around the room with more interest now, taking in the size and it's contents rather than just looking for a single thing. "And this... this is your home... Atlantis..." Moving his blue eyes back to her, his eyes lowered down the strong lines of her neck, coming to rest on the blue crystal resting between her breasts (somehow managing to keep his eyes on the crystal). "And that... that is your life source, or at least... a small part of it..." Simba raised his hand to his head, rubbing his temple as he felt his brain beginning to pulse, though not quite the same thing as a headache. He had experienced this only once before with his friend Timon when he was on a rant on the smell of the buffalo herd and he had severed their bond then to keep his own sanity for a couple of minutes. But that was very small-scale compared to this. Bonding with another human was turning out to be a very, very bad idea... "But then... you're not human, are you? You [i]really are[/i] four-hundred and seventy-two..." He stated, following his train of thought and speaking it out loud after a small pause. Furrowing her brows she tilted her head slightly catching sight of the change in his expression as he watched her move about the room the light red in his cheeks causing her to smile slightly as she brought the cup she was offering him back to place it back beside her own empty one, bringing her hands together in front of her body she leant back against the table watching him curiously as she tried to figure out the curious emotion that was seeping into her body through her mind causing her own cheeks to take on a soft red tinge as she let her eyes flick over his body lingering on his bare chest for a moment the sight much different from the men that she knew from the city. Following his gaze she dropped her eyes to her own body looking over her attire with confusion as to what it was about her dress that was so confusing towards him, the Atlanteans had always considered their bodies to be temples covering them up with too much clothing considered to be nothing more than a sin to the Gods who had blessed them with life. Lifting her gaze back up to meet his she tilted her head to the side her soft pink lips parting as she went to explain though his words cut her off causing her to once more close her mouth and fall silent. Her smile slowly fell from her lips as she let him process through the information that he had learnt though how he had managed to learn it she still wasn't quite sure his voice speaking her name causing her to lift her head slightly hesitating a moment before she nodded confirming that he had indeed gotten it correct along with the other bits of information that he was speaking of, "You are correct. My name is Kidagakash Nedakh, Queen of Atlantis. I have brought you to my palace so that you may rest and be well again." Reaching her hand up she pressed her fingers against her crystal playing with it for a moment before she once more nodded again confirming that he was correct, "I attempted to use its powers to heal you, however I soon came to the conclusion that you were sleeping and not in any pain." Pushing away from the table her hand dropped her arm once more lowering to her side as she wandered over to where he sat her body gracefully kneeling down beside him her hands coming together in her lap as she sat back on her feet, "That is also correct, though I am still young, nothing more than a teenager. In truth, my father and mother should still be in rule and I only now beginning to learn what I need to take their place when the time comes. However they are no longer around so the responsibility falls to me." Simba was doing a good job of paying attention to what it is she had to say, as well as feeling the serenity she herself was putting out there through the feeble bond that he could still feel holding on. But then, she decided to sit down next to him. He wasn't sure why, but his body started to scoot back away from her as she sat next to him, only able to manage a couple inches before the pillows began to get in the way of any [i]real[/i] progress. His arms impulsively crossed over his chest, his thumbs running over the arch of his armpit in a nervous manner, his fingertips drumming against his chest as he cleared his throat awkwardly, feeling himself trying to put distance between them even though there was no more room to do so. "I, uh... a teenager...?" He was just repeating words now, he didn't know what they meant, or what she was trying to imply until she brought up her parents and how she was still learning how to rule the city. The sudden connection to his own past life calmed himself down once more, easing back into the pillows though kept his hands where they were. "I... I'm sorry to hear that..." He replied earnestly, unable to help the dip in his head as his own mind traveled back to the night he had witnessed his own father's death; by the blade of his very own uncle, though the mental walls he had built up about those memories and everything beyond were impenetrable, she would not be able to read them even if she had the know-how like himself and even Rafiki. Even after thirteen years, his own two best friends Timon and Pumbaa didn't know who he was, not really. Blinking, Simba then realized that Kidagakash didn't know who [i]he[/i] was either. At least, not the [i]he[/i] that he had made himself to be after leaving The Pride Lands. Tentatively, Simba removed his hand from it's safe, confined space of his armpit and extended his arm out for her to take his hand for a handshake. "I'm... Mwoga..." Sitting up straighter as she watched him immediately begin to move back from her she turned her gaze away from his lowering it to her hands as she played with the ends of the sash that was resting over her lap her fingers thumbing the material as she let him speak giving him his space until his words caught her attention, lifting her head up slowly she nodded letting him know that he had indeed heard her correctly when she had said that she was in fact nothing more than a teenager within the culture that had been lost so many hundreds of years ago. Dropping her gaze again she lifted her shoulders up before dropping them back down in a light shrug at the apology that he was giving her about the fact that she had lost her family, there was no need for him to apologize to her about something that had happened over three hundred years ago especially when it was a disaster that could not be stopped even if they had tried to do so, "You need not apologize. It was something that could not be stopped. The ocean grew angered and attacked the city, there was nothing we could do..." Catching movement in the corners of her eyes she lifted her head up her gaze falling upon his hand as he extended it out her brows furrowing slightly and her lips parting as she tilted her head examining it unsure of what the gesture meant, "Mwoogah..." His eyes crinkled a bit at the corners as he let out a light laugh as she tried to pronounce the name he had given himself thirteen years ago. Keeping his hand extended, reaffirming it with a light motion, he shook his head slightly, reaching out to her with his mind, making use of the bond that he had created to help her understand not only what the handshake was for, but the proper way to pronounce his name just as he was able to understand how to pronounce hers. "No, no, no... Mwoga. M-woa-gah." He said softly before just reaching out and taking her hand in his, giving it a light shake. "And it is a pleasure to meet you your majesty." He finished after racking his brains for the proper way to greet royalty that used to be embedded into his mind like second nature so many years ago, when he had thought it was pointless, boring and dull. Remembering then that there was still one more thing he needed to do, he hesitated before turning her hand in his and kissed the top of her hand. He half expected his tongue to hang out with a 'yuck' as he had done so many times before back home. But to his surprise, the reflex to want to gag never came, and instead it felt... right. Sitting up straight as he extended his arm out a little further towards her she let her eyes flick up at him lingering on his eyes before they dropped back down to his hand her mind soon following with the information that he was giving her about what it meant and why he was offering it to her and the correct pronunciation of his name, "..Mwoga..." Widening her eyes slightly her cheeks turned a brighter shade of red as he reached out taking up her own hand to shake it before he gently turned it over lifting it up so that his lips pressed softly against her skin causing her heart to freeze in her chest unsure of what to make of what he was doing, "U-Uh..." Pushing back onto her feet she stood back up her hand slipping from his as she turned away from him obviously flustered by the situation and confused about why she was reacting to him the way that she was, "There-... There are clothes on the table by the window... If you wish to change..." Biting her lower lip hard as she furrowed her brows trying her best to understand what was going on with her own mind at the moment she brought her hands together in front of her hesitating for a moment before she wandered out the room waiting for him to join her when he was good and ready. Turning his neck a bit, bending at his torso he looked back over his shoulder at the pile of blue and gold cloth that she had laid out for him at some point. Turning back to nod and thank her properly, he instead saw her backside, watching her hips sway as she exited the room just as quietly as she had come in. He wasn't sure how long he laid there on his side, staring at the space where Kidagakash had just been, but he eventually wrapped his mind around the fact that he probably should change. The fire had done a decent job in drying off his skin and hair, but his pants, he feared, he wouldn't ever be able to wear again. It was just as well, he picked the shirt and pants off of a tourist who had wandered too far into The Wildes on their own, half-eaten by the buzzards before he happened upon it to salvage what he could before leaving the birds to their lunch. The clothes were already on the small side, and he was sure he had grown an inch or two since then. Some new clothes would be a nice change. Pushing himself off of the plethora of pillows, Simba made his way over to the table and stripped himself from the pants, tossing them over the pole where his shirt remained drying by the fire. Picking up the blue bundle of clothes, as he began to undo the folding, he found that it was only a single article of clothing that he really wasn't quite sure what to do with... After examining the holes for a brief moment, getting no where in his ideas, he tapped back into Kidagakash's mind, finding the brief memories of the other men in her kingdom that wore... whatever this was... and soon found the proper way to dress himself. The blue fabric went around his waist and between his legs, covering up all the necessary bits with a longer stretch of fabric that went down both the front and back. [i]Kinda like a tail...[/i] Simba thought as he turned himself around, trying to see how it looked on him. Despite knowing that he was doing it right, he couldn't help but to get the feeling he might have over-looked something and make a complete fool out of himself in front of the Queen. With nothing more to do, Simba swallowed his pride and headed outside to meet back up with her. "پھر میں یہ سب سے بہتر ہے میں اسے ہماری ثقافت کو دیکھنے کے لئے کے لئے چاہتے ہیں ، وہ ہماری کمپنی کے اندر اندر رہنے کے لئے چاہتا ہے تو پیشکش پر بہت سارے ، ہمارے مہمان کے لئے ہے کہ وہاں بات کا یقین ہو . اب میں اس سے ہماری دنیا کو دکھائے گا کے لئے ، ، میرے دوست کو خوش اس دوپہر کے لئے تہوار کے لئے تیار ہے ... میں نے اکیلے ہی اس سے بات کرنے کی خواہش ." Smiling softly she kept her bright blue eyes on the man standing with her in the small group of the two of them her hand lifting up with her palm flat and outwards as he began to bow to her showing him that the action was in no means necessary, furrowing her brows slightly as she caught sight of his own gaze flicking behind her she followed her head turning to look back over her shoulder only to see that their guest had changed and decided to join her in the main hall causing her smile to grow and her eyes to widen slightly in surprise at how well the clothes suited him her voice soft as she spoke mainly to herself, "دیوتاؤں کی طرف سے ... کیا شاندار مخلوق ..." Realizing that both men around her had probably heard what she said her cheeks grew a deep shade of red her attention torn from Simba only to once more fall on the man that she had been speaking with the young woman obviously flustered as she hurried to dismiss him from her presence, taking a moment to calm herself back to her usual content demeanor she slowly turned around her gaze once more falling onto that of her guest though this time she thought through her words before letting them slip from her mouth, "You wear our dress well, it suits your temple. Please, let me show you around Atlantis. When we return, the people wish to hold a feast to welcome you into our city." Stepping outside of the smaller room and into what he could only assume was The Main Hall (it looked so much different than his father's castle back home), Simba had managed to catch the tail end of Kidagakash's conversation with another man in the language he did not understand by words, but was slowly starting to understand by inflections. Putting his attention past the foreign language, he couldn't help the subtle sigh of relief seeing that he had indeed put on the garments correctly as the man across from Kidakagash wore the same thing and in the same way. Feeling, rather than seeing, the other man's gaze on him, reflexively Simba kept his head bowed down; something he had gotten into the habit of to keep his facial features hidden from anyone who might recognize him as Simba. Even years later he knew that it was far-fetched, but he wasn't about to leave that to chance. His bare feet scuffled slightly on the stone floor and his hands went to his hips where he would have stuffed them into his pants pockets but when his fingers brushed up against the pocket-less material Kidagakash had provided him with, he awkwardly let his arms hang back down at his sides as he could now start to feel the gaze of other's passing by on him. His mind connected with hers then, by means that were not his own and translated the later part of her quiet statement into his mind with emotions rather than words, but it was still something he understood just as clear as if she had spoken them to him in English. Turning his gaze just a bit, he caught a glimpse of a small dragonfly buzzing by them, able to pinpoint it's location with ease having sensed it's energy. His palm was glowing a very soft blue color, in which Simba knew it wouldn't stop until he returned back to the plains since everything and everyone here was entirely new to him, and thus the only creature he had bonded with here was the Queen of the hidden city, standing before him now. Simba shrugged his broad shoulders, flickering his eyes to Kidagakash for half a moment before looking back to his feet. "I tend not to bond with insects all too often. Their lifespans are far too short and they can't hold a very good conversation." He stated, certain that it was the dragonfly that she had been talking about, and then addressed her latter comment. "You... you don't have to do that..." He said modestly, shuffling his feet about him a bit again and put his arms behind his back, holding onto his wrist and resting them against his lower back to give him something to do. "Really, I'm... I'm not exactly a people-person. I'm uh, well, thank you for the clothes, and bringing me here and everything... but I gotta get back to Pumbaa..." "I see..." Lifting her hand up she tilted her head scooping her hair around and over her shoulder her gaze lowering and turning to the side as she listened to his words feeling the reluctance that he felt slowly filling her body, "If this is your choice... than I shall escort you from the city..." Taking a deep breath she let it out slowly through her nose gesturing towards the main entrance and the large doors that led back outside as she took a step back turning before leading the way slowly her hands coming together in front of her body trying her best to avoid eye contact with him though why she wasn't quite sure, moving through the open doors and into the fresh air she nodded towards those who were greeting both her and Simba though her feet made no signs that they were going to stop her movements however a lot slower than they were when she had first set out from the city that morning. "The people have not had new visitors in years. I shall let them know of your decision, and call the feast off for the night." Not slowing her pace she continued to walk not bothering to look back to see if he was still following her or not, "I wish for what you have done to me however to be undone... I have not witnessed magic such as this and though it interests me, I cannot allow it to effect my judgement or duties as Queen..." Sadness. That's all Simba could feel right now coming through her as though the emotion was his own, the emotion overpowering his nervousness and insecurities to a point where he started to fell a knot forming in his chest. But, why would she be sad about him wanting to return back home? She had tried to kill him earlier, twice in fact. He didn't belong here, and they both knew it. He kept his eyes off of her figure as she led them out of the construct and back outside, letting his eyes rest on a few areas that looked slightly familiar to him as he had seen them from the cliff's edge what felt like only just a few moments ago. He kept his head down, feeling only slightly better as the throng of people around them subsided with each step they took towards the exit of the city. /Hang in there Pumbaa, buddy. I'm heading back now./ There was a slight pause as Simba reached out with his mind to contact the warthog, and for a moment he thought that he was simply just too far away to be able to form a link strong enough for conversation until he heard a rather grotesque burp. /Better hurry, Mwoga. Timon and I just found a rotted log [i]filled[/i] with nutritious yummables to snack on. Can't guarantee we will save you any-/ /Is that Mwoga? Hey! Tell him I said hi!/ /Timon! Get off my back! He can hear you, you know.../ /I know that! I just get better reception up here. Hey Mwoga! What gives? I thought we were going to the wateri-/ /Timon! I can't see!/ /Lighten up big guy, this will only take a second!/ Shaking his head, Simba pushed the bond of the warthog and the meerkat to the back of his mind, feeling Kidagakash addressing him once more, able to understand her words this time though as she spoke in his language. Guilt pulled through him then as she asked for him to remove it. He hadn't exactly thought about that before, all of the animals he had bonded with in the past showed no reluctance or hesitation before with letting him in. But, he supposed, human beings were a bit different... if only just slightly... "I... I can't remove it..." Simba said ashamedly, keeping his head down and simply watching his feet carry him. "Once you're bonded with someone, it's for life. I... I don't know how to cut the connection short of death, but even then I we would be able to feel the life draining from us as if it was me who were dying. I've only experienced it a couple of times before; but it's not something I would want to put on anyone if I can help it. I'm uh..." He lifted his head, just a bit to let his blue eyes land on her figure. "I'm sorry to have bonded with you, it did not occur to me that it was not something you wanted." Turning her head to the side slightly to show him that she was listening she closed her eyes her eyebrows furrowing in confusion and frustration at the fact that the connection that had been made between the two of them was unbreakable even by the one who had created it in the first place, turning her head back to the path ahead of her she pushed herself further picking up the pace if only slightly as if maybe adding distance between them was going to be something that would help to kill the bond naturally without one of them needing to die. "We are stuck, bonded as one..." Repeating the words more for her own sake rather than for his she opened her eyes once more her bright blue orbs staring ahead as she continued to lead the way through the inner city heading towards the ruins that were the outer remnants, her heart grew heavy as her own grief took over her body her hands balling into fists at her side as she mumbled punishing herself for her own stupidity that had led them both into the situation in the first place, "میں نے اپنے لوگوں کو تحفظ فراہم کرنے میں ناکام رہے ہیں ... میں ان کی ملکہ بننے کے قابل نہیں ہوں ..." "What? Oh no, no we are still two very different people." Simba said, not quite understanding the context in which she used her words, however his explanation was cut off short by her next phrase in which he understood quite plain and clear, not even having to dig through her mind to find the implications or meanings behind them anymore. Knitting his brows together, Simba picked up the pace a bit quicker than she had, coming up behind her and placed a strong hand on her bare shoulder, willing her to stop and turn to face him. "You have not failed anyone Kidagakash, most of all your people. From what your mind is giving me, you are a fair and just ruler with the well-being of your people and culture put before yourself. Samahani. Tafadhali nisamehe. The fault is mine for putting this on you, I was not thinking." Tensing her body as she felt a strong grip upon her shoulder she clenched her jaw reluctantly allowing him to turn her around so that she was now facing him her eyes gliding past him and to the ground beside them still not wishing to make contact, scrunching up her face she shook her head slightly his words leaving an unsettling feeling within her before causing her to lift her head forcing herself to meet his gaze even against her own will, "غلطی اکیلے میرا اور میری ہے ..! I was the one to lead you to this place. Had I not been careless, you would not be here nor a bond between us." Keeping his jaw tightly closed shut, he let her talk; both in the tongue of her people and English, though he was at a point now where he didn't notice the difference in speech much anymore. If she wanted to continue to blame herself despite his words, then fine. He wasn't going to waste any more energy on something both he and Kidagakash knew that she firmly believed in, regardless if it was the truth or not. Dropping her head once again she took a step back pulling her shoulder out from under his grip as her hands lifted coming together in front of her body lightly brushing the skin just under her breasts, "I give the people false hopes of a life once more as peaceful and thriving as it was before the big waters... I once had hope of my own that the world outside would accept our culture, but I see now that I was wrong. Now I must fix the mistakes of my past..." Turning back away from him she kept her hands close her eyes gazing out at the city around them as she hesitated torn between whether she should keep going or let him leave on his own, taking a deep breath she let it out slowly her feet once more beginning to move her forward in the same slow pace she had been moving at when they first set out, "..Come... You must leave..." Simba's otherwise hardened expression let up a little at her words. His head tilted slightly as he watched her turn back around and continue walking, but she only got in a few steps before he rushed forward and once more pulled her attention back to him by placing his hand back on her shoulder. "Why don't you think the outside world will accept your culture?" He asked, his brows knitting together in genuine curiosity. Looking away from her for a moment, he turned his neck to look over his bare shoulder, back at the city in which she had brought him to. An unexplainable sense of pride began to well up in his chest, and it took him a couple of moments to realize that the pride wasn't coming from him, but Kidagakash instead, an understanding of the love of her hidden city washing over his mind like a quick breeze. Smiling, unable to help it with the new feeling inside of him, he turned back to look at her. "I don't know how many years it's been since I've been in a city, but what you have here is amazing..." Closing her bright blue orbs as she felt his hand once again come to rest on his shoulder she clenched her jaw her body freezing in place for a moment before she turned around to face him her gaze catching with his showing him nothing but worry and caution over the matter they seemed to now be discussing, "Outsiders all think alike... You are not capable of accepting my people and our culture. Others will be less understanding than you." Shaking her head she stepped back ripping her shoulder out from under his hand like she had done earlier though this time instead of walking off she held her ground watching as he looked around at the city before their gazes met again, "What we have are the crumbling ruins of a once great civilization... My people have suffered much, I cannot ask much more of them..." Turning her head away from him she fell silent her gaze lowered for a few moments before she lifted up her arm gesturing to the rubble that was blocking the only path to the entrance of Atlantis her eyes flicking up to stare at it, "Come now. You must go." With her emotions flooding into him like a broken beaver dam, Simba's body relaxed substantially as he bore the weight of her worry and caution as though the entirety of the city was his very own burden to bare. Returning his hand to his side after she jerked away, getting that she didn't want the physical contact, he moved his fingers to instead run through his tangled mess of blonde hair with a dejected sigh. "Well... maybe there is a way I can help. You mentioned earlier that food was getting harder to come by; I can help with that." Simba relaxed his arm back down to his side, his fingertips brushing up against the material that now covered his waist and down his legs a ways, bringing his attention there for a moment. "It's the least I can do for the new clothes... but I'm afraid making entire civilizations understand a different culture... that's out of my hands. I just don't see what isn't to like... or what is different really. Then again I haven't spent much time anywhere else but the Wilde's and The Pr-" He stopped himself quickly and shook his head lightly. "Watering holes..." He corrected. Her lips parted as she caught sight of the look that was upon his face causing her to double take on her actions of sending him away for just a moment before she once more tore her gaze away from his her long white locks falling down over her shoulder, "You wish to help bring game back to the people? You are kind to offer your skill to Atlantis. You have my gratitude." Lowering her arm back to her side she turned back to face him completely her eyes narrowing with curiosity at what was going through her mind though unlike him who seemed to know everything she was thinking she couldn't figure out what train of thought he was on, "You... Enjoy watering holes..?" Lifting her hand up she let her fingers glide through her long locks neatly tucking them back behind her ear as she tilted her head her eyes searching his for some sort of clue to what he wanted. "It's just a matter of asking the herds to move closer. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to help out." Simba remarked with a gentle shrug of his broad shoulders, absentmindedly moving his hand back up to his head to scratch the back of his neck out of habit "Um... watering holes? Yeah... they're alright. A good place to cool down, wash up and meet new friends, though its hard to find one that isn't crowded by the locals at all times, so not exactly a place to go if you want to be alone." Shaking his head again and once more returning his hand to his side once he realized he was rubbing the back of his neck with no true purpose, he reverted back to the more important topic at hand. "There was a buffalo herd not too far from here just yesterday, I'll go see if I can't track them down." Simba moved his eyes from Kidagakash towards what he now knew as the exit of the city by the information he had learned from her earlier through their bond before looking back to her with a soft smile, both physically and through their bond telling her that everything was going to be okay in an effort to still her anxiety. "You would go to such lengths to help us..." Her eyes flicked back and forth between his seeming to search them for some sort of answer that would tell her why it was he would be willing to go out of his way to help her and the rest of the city, relaxing as she felt comfort leak into her mind through the bond they both shared and the expression that graced his features she took a couple of steps forward her hand coming up to grab hold of his wrist though this time it was a lot more gentler than it had been the last time, "Thank you Mwoga... You have my gratitude for these actions." Her lips turned up in a small smile her fingertips grazing over his skin for a moment before she dropped her arm back down to her side looking towards the path that led to the entrance to the lost civilization, "I will be eternally in your dept for such help." Shaking his head no and keeping his smile, Simba simply looked back down into her eyes, turning his wrist slightly in her hand so that the pad of his thumb could move over the top of her hand in a soothing gesture. "If you need me, just open your mind. I shouldn't be too far and our bond should keep us linked together." Releasing her hand, he kept his smile before continuing to walk forward, no longer needing her to show him the way out of the city.