Achieng had enough time to marvel, childishly wide-eyed at the size of the ships in their group. When she heard the five minute call before the jump, she pressed a button on her controls, that would flatten the treads of her tank to the floor, and give them a low level of magnetic current. That would keep her from moving. Achi herself looked anxiously around at the crew, wondering just what would happen when the jump began. She wouldn't find out for some time, still. As soon as the Warp Bubble made contact, Achieng's eyes rolled back and she fainted. Her body slid downward further into her tank, and all that could be seen of her was a shock of white hair. One of her arms was sticking out in a rather comical fashion. It was actually somewhat common for her race to not handle space jumping well. The environment they stayed in was not prone to large movements. Her brain simply didn't know what to do with the sensation that the world around her was in flux, and so, it shut down in self-protection.