The Knight continued his stroll and Ilinfer followed slightly irritated. What was it with nobles and strolling conversations? At least he wouldn't be able to run away on the ship. The decent to the street lev l was a long one. For the normally all about business warrior the pace was painstakingly slow. She thought about the months to come and once again was itching for a fight. She felt aggressive. Perhaps a fist brawl with a drunken sailor? Yes, that sounded like just the thing she needed to help her focus on the task ahead. The last months had been difficult. Death had taken its toll on her family and with two people less working to supply those who needed it times had been rough. Not wanting to go any further to that dark and lonely place in her head she turned her face towards the knight whos name was still unknown to her. He was talking about horses and riding east before taking a ship. Ilinfer wasn't as informed as he seemed to be, so she just nodded. "I don't know a lot about ships myself, but I don't mind a long horse ride either. So if you think its best let's do it that way." The grey eyed woman smiled openly at the thought of riding at a neck breaking speed for several days. "I have a horse that was trained for battle and is in good condition. She shouldn't have any problems with long distances." To herself she thought her Epona was the most beautiful and talented horse in the country, but she didn't speak these thoughts out loud - it would be a bit too childish for a grown warrior. As they descended further towards the packed streets Ilinfer started packing hr backpack in her mind, listing everything they would need. First of all they would need supplies such as dried meat and fruit, water . . . "We should get some rations . . . " she fell silent as a lady stepped onto the stairs, coming from a lower level of the garden. Ilinfer bowed her head slightly, not quite sure what was expected of her in this kind of situation. In return the lady glared at her with disgust and marched on, he nose high, not acknowledging the knight. How charming! "As I was saying: I think we should get supplies. When are you planning on leaving? I just want o know if I should look for an accommodation for the night or not. Most taverns will probably be filled already." If she was lucky she would get a small corner to rest for a copper or two. That was not including the meal. That was all she could afford at the moment. Luckily their contracted was willing to pay for the journey.