[color=fff200]"You gotta let me through!"[/color] Trevor Darklin pleaded with the blue-suited officer. [color=fff200]"Please!"[/color] For months, Trevor had been reading about these crimes. Researching, studying, analyzing every bit of information that he could find. The internet carried little real evidence, and the newspapers brought a little more. But while it was a helpful resource, the local paper didn't give much in the way of details. He couldn't blame the publisher of course. Local papers had their corruptions, but not nearly as bad as the real force behind the obvious cover-up. Most likely, the police were working in conjunction with the government, holding back and real, valuable information from the public. The government was very fond of doing that. Unlike the rest of the town, Trevor had been suspicious from the start. This was the fifth murder in the past couple of months. Each was reported to have some similarities, although the media was so vague on the matter that he could merely speculate. He needed to see the body for himself. Fortunately for him, though not for the police or the victim, this crime had taken place directly across the street from where he lived. He had been there the second he saw the flashing lights of the police cars pulling up. The scene was still fresh, and the officers hadn't gotten around to blocking it off. It seemed this was his chance. At least, it had seemed that way until Mr. Blue-Suit had shown up. This cop was the only thing standing in his way now. How could the police be so foolish? Everyone in town knew that he was an expert on paranormal research, and there was obviously something [i]not[/i] normal about this string of crimes. Whether they chose to accept it or not, these officers needed his help. Moreover, the victims needed his help, and as the only one crazy enough to actually figure out what was going on, it was his duty to help them. [color=fff200]"I can help!"[/color] He attempted to explain as more officers approached, intent on holding him back. [color=fff200]"I can tell you what killed these people!"[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Aliens?"[/color] One of the officers scoffed. [color=6ecff6]"Yeah, I'll bet it was aliens. They came from the sky to steal all of our cows and murder a few suburban dwellers in the process." [/color] Trevor glared at the man who had spoken. Aliens? That was [i]such[/i] a stereotype. Of course this wasn't aliens. The random blackouts that occasionally spread over the town, [i]that[/i] was aliens. The new corrupted senator whose cheesy smile got him elected by the mind-controlled masses: Aliens. The random disappearances a few years back- definitely aliens. But this? Not a chance. This only further cemented his beliefs that law enforcement knew absolutely nothing. And what the heck was he saying about stealing cows?!? [color=ed145b]"No,"[/color] another officer interjected in a sarcastic tone. [color=ed145b]"It must be a cover-up arranged by the government."[/color] [color=fff200]"Well..."[/color] It was, sort of. At least part of it was, but that wasn't what he was interested in at the moment. Mr Blue-Suit stepped forward, pushing him back into the street. [color=0072bc]"Stay away, FreakShow,"[/color] he growled. [color=7ea7d8]"We don't want you here, and we certainly don't need you!"[/color] The others went back to their work, but BlueSuit remained, glaring at Trevor as though daring him to approach again. The young specialist was about to take him up on that dare, when he heard a voice calling to him from the other side of the yard. [color=bc8dbf]"Find any aliens, Conspiracy Boy?"[/color] the voice mocked him. Again with the aliens!?! It was not aliens! What were these people, blind? Aliens wouldn't have left behind a mutilated body, they would have taken it back to their home planet for study! Seriously, that was basic stuff. Even idiots knew that. [color=fff200]"It's not aliens!"[/color] He turned in the direction of the voice. Seeing who it was, his eyes darkened. [color=fff200]"Although I couldn't possibly expect [i]you[/i] to know that."[/color] Upon seeing the face of his mocker, he knew exactly who it was. Alex... Alex Something. Okay so maybe he didn't know exactly, but he certainly knew the type. He'd seen this man around before, usually hanging out in clubs and bars. He was one of those arrogant unbelievers who thought that they were better than everyone else, always searching for some sort of purpose. Yet they assumed that tough they had no drive, they were still somehow more mature and intelligent than him. He who knew exactly what he was doing with his life. [color=fff200]"And my research has nothing to do with you. Besides, I live here, so I have an excuse. What are [i]you[/i] doing here?"[/color]