Everybody on the ship took in the sight of the passing orks as if they were looking at a illusion or a mirage, this was the first time they had been released by Khorne and they were raring for a fight, but none stepped forward giving the orks a wide berth as if they were one of Nurgles own, the fact that orks following a chaos god was rare enough was just enough for them to be given that room but the sheer fact they were orks caused them to be avoided that much more. The orks walked into the room just as the conversation was dying they strode into the middle of the rooming regarding everyone around them. Then the biggest one spoke. "Gess Who? And if anyne is takin eads round ere eets us! Raaagh" The leader spoke and the two nobz that stood with him echoed his growl. The big one raised his hands and the nobz quieted down to a whimper as if afraid of the big ork. "We is going to take more eads becausz orks ar teh bestest!" The leader shouted, taking in everyone in the room the nobz echoing his "We ar teh bestest." Statement, but then a fist from the leader knocked one of the nobs to the ground effectively shutting them up. "And nun of you humies best git in deh way. WAAAAAGH" The Ork shouted and he let the nobz join him this time in his shout filling the ship with the sound of their warcry.