[center][b][u]Mishi[/u][/b][/center] "A... a tournament? Are you crazy?! You know I can't fight. I would be about as useless as a squash in a tournament." Mishi said after Shuu announced why he had woken everyone up so early. She was boiling over anger from Shuu's stupid decision. The least he could have done was ask them if they wanted to enter. But, no he went right ahead and signed them up anyway. Mishi was far from a fighter like Hajime or Amami. Heck, even Sume-san would be useful in a fight than Mishi. Then again, Mishi was standing right in the center of the chaos that was the kitchen and somehow came out without a scratch on her. "Well, at least if we win then we can get a nice time away from home. After all, it seems like we are going to truly need it at this rate." Mishi stated as she looked at the wrecked kitchen.