Alison looked around trying to take in the hell that was in front of them. It looked like something out of a horror movie. She witnessed a man running from a growling woman missing an arm. It looked like she was diseased and she had bite marks all over her body as if someone had taken a bites out of her. The man ran right into a corner but before he could react the woman was on top of him sinking her teeth into her neck as she started to devour him alive when others joined her. It was like a feeding frenzy and it made her stomach turn. In all her years of being a lawyer, nothing was as revolting as what she just saw. She gasped and looked away feeling sick trying to keep her composer. "My god." She turned away from her companion feeling her last meal coming back up and vomited on the ground while propping herself up on the wall right next to her. Something was seriously wrong and it wasn't safe in the mall anymore. She wiped off her face and gasped for a bit. "I remember hearing on the news something about in illness spreading around but I didn't think it did this. What fresh hell is this? We need to get out of her before the same thing happens to us. God.. what are these things? They can't be human any more."