Korrigan "Too late, just had one and it's hilarious." Korrey joked as he stood up, dusting himself off as he looked down at Sophia, a worried expression over taking his momentary mirth. "She's alive, but we should probably get her to some place safe soon. Oh, wait, I've been rude haven't I." Koirrey turned to face the man, giving a wave and a small bow as he introduced himself. "My name is Korrigan Umbraisis, and this-" He snapped his fingers, causing the shadows of the forest to stretch over to his and grow into a huge, dark mass before it burst open, revealing Shade's giant form with a mighty shriek. "-is my partner Shade, who9 is an over dramatic bastard." Korrey finished with a rather tired tone in his voice, indicating this wasn't the first time he had to deal with this. Turning back to the man, who was probably just a little freaked by this, he gave a small bow in apology. "I'm sorry if Shade shocked you with that, he has a flare for the dramatic. So, I've told you my name, how about you tell me yours. And the name for your magic carp, which I must say is an interesting choice for a companion." Korrey said, giving the red fish a look before returning his attention to the man, appearing to be at complete ease to all but the most trained eye. He wasn't going to let his guard down against this guy, especially with Sophia unconscious just behind him. Sebastian Sebastian rolled his eyes at the dark haired youth's attempt to weasel out information, and his lack of paying attention to details or knowing his targets. Everyone who's anyone know stat the Cheviots are some of the more Morph friendly of the nobles around, something that tends to put them at odds with the king and the ever radical House Umbraisis. Taking that into account, as well as the look of displeasure on the Cheviot woman's face, one could tell that this was clearly an action forced by the king. What the motive was behind it, probably something to do with the Lotus Triumvirate. "Use your head and figure it out, kid, the answer is right in front of your face, you just have to look for it. And cut the act, you're fists are shaking and the attitude doesn't match your face. Especially your eyes, nobody with eyes like your acts like that. Now then, if you'll excuse me, I'll take advantage of this action to escape the city, as I'm kinda wanted by the guards or a little tussle at the tavern." With that Sebastian walked away from the raven haired youth, moving in the shadows towards the outskirts of town and trying his best to avoid the guards as they went to raid the morph camps. [i]'Okay, I'm actually glad Quazar isn't here. One look at this, and things would not be pretty.'[/i]