[center][img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/11/119558.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]Sera Iwasaki[/i][/center] [center][b]Species:[/b] Human[/center] [center][b]Gender:[/b] Female[/center] [center][b]Age:[/b] 12[/center] [center][b]Personality:[/b] She never shows emotions and is always ready for a sarcastic remark in which she always has a point. She's only twelve years old but she could've already graduated because of her prodigy mind, but she didn't because that would be boring. She's always ruthless and merciless and doesn't know the meaning of love is. ALWAYS right.[/center] [center][b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] She is from a long line of omniscients, in which she's the only one left. Her mind is a huge archive, she knows every single thing there is to know. Everything. She knows it. In fighting, she discovered an ability to turn any object she touches into a weapon. Anything, a paper can be deadly if Sera touches it.[/center] [center][b]Backstory:[/b] She grew up unloved by everyone even her own family. They pretended she doesn't exist because they thought Sera didn't inherit their omniscience, but that's only Sera locking that ability away because she wants to be normal. But when she was seven, her whole family suddenly left her on the streets, which made her angry and unlock her omniscience and her fighting ability, and almost beating up all of her family. She left them helpless in the streets. Later, she was adopted by a rich old lady that took care of her but Sera didn't feel anything for he, who dies quickly and makes Sera her heiress before dying, and here she is now.[/center] [center][b]Extra:[/b] I decided to make a Mary-Sue who is jerk, yet everyone still loves her.I hope that doesn't bother you. And oh yeah, she's like the information database of the Ultimate Battle Mechanical Wolves.[/center]