[b]Daniel - Survival[/b] Daniel took his time getting to his Survival class, using his Scroll to guide him. Upon reaching the class, while noting that there were already quite a few students who had arrived, he immediately started wandering the class. The old weapons, the cans which were filled with some unknown substances, the guy strumming a guitar, they were all not what he had been expecting. Then again, there was a lot in this school he hadn't been expecting. Still, it wasn't exactly unpleasant. He walked over to the cans, wondering what could possibly be inside them. Deciding not to examine them more closely, he then went over to the pile of old weapons and wondered what they were here for. Some of them didn't seem like they could be used for their original purposes anymore. He then walked over to the cans, wondering what could possibly be inside them. Then came the announcement that class was starting. The teacher explained that they would be jumping out a window to teleport to some unknown location, then jumped out of it himself, leaving no trace of him. Daniel, curious, wondered where that would lead. He grabbed a screw and waited his turn to go, then took a running start before throwing the screw in and jumping in head first, whooping as he did. Rolling on the ground to make a quick recovery, he quickly and smoothly got up from the ground. Well, this was certainly an interesting experience. Perhaps he could actually have some fun with this. He also wondered what those green rocks were for.